Do you already have a podcast? Have you noticed how things changed? Are you having this thought of realigning your podcast with your business? Or have you been thinking about starting a podcast, but your fear is stopping you from doing it? Well, this episode is for you! Listen to the Part 1 of Podcast Success Blueprint – The Ultimate 5 Phase Profitable Podcast Plan. In this episode, you’ll get to know more about Michelle, how she conquered her fear and started Amplifyou. Braden also talks about how you can get your message into a movement.
Don’t miss:
- Podcasts have the most valuable asset right now – time.
- Opportunities for podcasting.
- Meeting some of Amplifyou team.
- Use podcasting to broadcast your message and turn it into a mission and movement.
- What we’re seeing with podcasters right now.
- Start thinking about your podcasting goals for 2023.
Join us on the next Podcast Success Blueprint Workshop!
For Podcast Guest: Jan 31 – Podcast Guest Success Blueprint:
For Podcast Host: Feb 2 – Podcast Host Success Blueprint:
About About the Host:
Michelle Abraham – Podcast Producer, Host and International Speaker.
Michelle was speaking on stages about podcasting before most people knew what they were, she started a Vancouver based Podcasting Group in 2012 and has learned the ins and outs of the industry. Michelle helped create and launched over 30 Podcasts in 2018 and has gone on to launch over 200 shows in the last few years, She wants to launch YOURS in 2022!
14 years as an Entrepreneur and 8 years as a Mom has led her to a lifestyle shift, spending more time with family while running location independent online digital marketing business for the last 9 years. Michelle and her family have been living completely off the grid lakeside boat access for the last 4 years!
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This is Amplify You the podcast about you discovering your message and broadcasting it to the world. If you're a coach, author or speaker, you'll want to tune in. If you're looking for the best return on your time investment, to get your message out to the world in a bigger way, we're giving you full access behind the scenes look of how we're running our podcasts, how our clients have found success, and what you can do to launch your podcast today, the world needs your message. I'm Michelle Abraham, the host, join my family as we unleash your unique genius and find the connections you need to launch your venture today. Join us and let's get amplified.
Unknown:So for those of you guys who have podcasts already, you're in the perfect spot, because a lot of stuff has happened in the last couple of years in the world. And things may have changed. And maybe when you started your podcast, you thought you were going to be talking about this. And as you've gone along, maybe your business and you have kind of gone like this. And now it's time to realign your podcast with your business, refresh it and relaunch it. And that's the perfect time to do that right now. And for those of you guys who have been thinking about a podcast, out of curiosity, how long have you been thinking about a podcast of all of you guys that put a three in there, I would love to know how long you were thinking about doing a podcast. And I'll tell you a little bit about my story. But I took me for years of actually helping other people launch shows before I even started my own podcast. So that's a long time. I know now why I had to wait four years because I had to go through all the fears, and all the things that I wasn't sure about. And all the things that I see our clients go through now in order to really understand why why people are going through that fear of maybe, you know, not a fear fear, I had a fear of committing to one particular topics, there were so many things I could do a podcast on. I also fear that the podcast was going to explode and get really popular and I wasn't gonna be ready for that. I also had another fear of, you know, using my voice and letting the world hear my voice. I also had a fear of the technology, I thought I needed all of these things when really I just needed a microphone, and a computer. So so many things and then that procrastination starts to turn into procrastination turns into stagnation, turns into totally stalling you in freezing you and your spot. And I'm saying you which I mean me that was happening to me. And then when I hit record and started going, I was like I love this modality. And then that's where we came up with this, this term at amplify you now is that if you're embarrassed by your first few episodes about 20 or so in, then you waited too damn long to get them out there. So I'm just gonna kick off the call by saying that and putting that out there. I was embarrassed by my first few episodes, I waited way too long. We put them out there is that perfectionism got me into that stalling and got me into this perpetual Yeah, caucus is coming. So it's coming. It's coming. It's coming. Meanwhile, I was helping other people conquer all these things. But mine was still coming. So coming. And I when I finally got committed to an idea, and started recording the evolution that happens in the personal development that happens. Oh my gosh, total transformation. But did you guys know that 85% of podcasts? Don't make it past episode number seven. Number seven. Do you know that so for those of you guys that have a podcast in the room here, what episode number are you at? I'm curious to know, Lauren Cruz. Karina trivia? What episode number are you guys that 150 103? Yeah, see? That's awesome. You guys. Katie, I know you're getting started. That's really awesome. You guys, and Anastasia. I appreciate that. You started thinking about doing a podcast eight days ago. That's awesome. And I know you I'm sure you'll have one ready to go soon. So yeah, there's some great times in 3d for this week. Lauren, that's awesome. Way to go. You guys. That's really impressive. And so if you've already got a podcast, I want you to know you're in the right place today. If you are thinking about starting a podcast or you're not sure you're here to find out more information, and you are in the right place. And I know Gina and Maggie have already committed to doing a podcast launching in March this year. We've already started working with them this week. So you're definitely in the right place. Ladies, I'm so glad you're here. And so our goal for today is to really think about what it is what are all the things that are needed to have a podcast because when I started getting into podcasting, I didn't realize all the things that you needed to continue on once the show was launched. I was just focused on launching it. And so today I want to give you our five steps, the five phases of the podcast success blueprint for hosts. So we also do the same workshop not the same workshop, the same type kind of workshop. We do podcast success blueprint for guests as well. So if you're really into guesting, you got to really check out we're doing 100 podcasts challenge for our guessing clients. So, Anastasia and I are working on that together. And so we'd love to see you over there too. But focusing on your podcast, today's what we're all about. So, for those of you that don't know me, I know I know a lot of knees. But there's also some familiar faces here. So welcome. Welcome to we'd like to say welcome to our amplify you family. I'm Michelle Abraham, and the founder and CEO of amplify you we've been doing this. Well, I've been in the podcasting space for over 10 years. My podcasting adventure started when I became a new mom. And I found myself on the floor with my son. Doing Google guide, my business brain went to mush. I was a busy entrepreneur in the fitness industry before. And when I had a new baby, I was like, wow, my brain is not working so well anymore. And I felt unmotivated and not excited to do anything. So when I turned on the Apple TV one day when we were playing on the floor, and I found this little purple app, I found a show called The eventual millionaire. And I turned on this show. And I was like, great, I can still be a great mom playing on the floor here. But listen to these business building podcasts. And I became obsessed with this show. In fact, I listened to all 100 episodes she had at the time. And in fact, this show is still going live today. It's amazing. It's been on for so many years. And I was so excited to put my earbuds in every day, go for a walk. And it made a transformation in my life. It turned me into feeling blah after having a baby to feeling motivated and wanting to get back into like opening my own business. And, in fact, I went on to open a co working space afterwards. And then I started consulting and helping people launch podcasts. And so it kind of got me started back on a path again. But I remember as a listener, and this is why I'm sharing this story with you guys. Because as a listener, if you listen to podcasts now, you'll know you're you're listening in your ears. So in a world of time and attention as podcasters we have the most valuable asset right now we have someone's time and their attention. And on average, a podcast listener listens for about 20 minutes of time. That is a huge. And so when if you could look at it in comparison to say, Instagram, you're getting like four seconds of someone's time, YouTube, even you're getting four minutes of someone's time. Facebook, I think it's around like 30 seconds or something. Not a lot of time. But I'm podcasting because we can they can put us in their ears, in it literally in their head, tickets for a walk, go to the gym, drive your car, whatever you need to do, were they're able to take us with them as the podcast host. So our message is getting into their heads while they're going about doing their days not interruption marketing, they're coming to us, we've attracted them to our show. And they are choosing to listen and choosing to have us as part of their day needs is a very different place than that interruption marketing, as you're scrolling through the podcasts, or Scorsese's scrolling through the posts on Facebook and and being distracted, right.
Unknown:So I'm super excited about the opportunity of podcasting. As you can see, it's made a huge impact in my life. God made me put my earphones on go for a walk every day with my son, I transformed my what now I can see was probably a bit of postpartum depression, into a new business and into some new new motivation in my life. And if I had I, what made me get excited about the modality of podcasting was that if big listener had that effect IV, I can imagine the effect of all these shows and all these great things out there that are podcast them the effect that they're having on their listeners and the lives that they're changing in, in the motivation. And the inspiration they're giving the listeners is massive. So we wanted to be a part of that movement. We said we wanted to be like the Hay House of podcasting, because you guys know Hay House, you're in the right place. We only work with shows that are making a positive impact in the world. That's the world that we work in. That's the world that we'd love to work in. And so I saw that right as a listener and I know now from a listener standpoint, how important it is in podcasting to have have your message out there in the world. So we're gonna dive into all the pieces and let me let me welcome the rest of my team here. We've got lots of amplify your team members here today. So you guys give a little wave or a little heart emoji. We've got minor which is our who is our online business manager is here and we have a Roma, here's our claim care manager. We have Troy who's our podcast launch master and we have Braden who is our podcast coach and all things getting you ready to go so Troy and Braden Are there big, huge Huge, huge part of our team that will help you and walk you through what we do in amplifying us, we help you launch your show. But not only do we help you launch a show, we help you align your show with your business so that it all works together. So you're able to monetize your business, monetize your podcast, and use it as a tool to grow your business, which is different than a lot of the other places out here in the podcasting space, are looking at monetizing through sponsorship and download numbers. And those are important. There's a whole other way of looking at your podcasts that we help you align it with your business. And then Troy, it's going to take your podcast and syndicate it out into the world to hundreds of places. And he's gonna align it with your website and connect it all together so that every time you publish, it goes out to all the places. And he's gonna make sure that all the technology and all the behind the scenes places are all ready to get going. So I'm going to toss it over to Braden, so he can officially introduce himself. And also Braden, I would just love for you to share with people your brilliance is in that messaging and marketing. So what is it that you're seeing out there in the world today? In podcast launching, we've had a bunch a lot of clients in the last few weeks. What is it? That's really what's that messaging? And what's that special? Special messaging marketing? Kind of? I don't even know what question I'm asking Brady, but you know, you know, your magic, you can come on and share them magic and to helping people align with that right message. What is that ingredient there? I guess? That's what I'm trying to find out? What's the recipe brain that's working right now in the messaging alignment piece.
Braden Ricketts (AmplifYou):Oh, good afternoon, everybody. Super excited to meet you all, I'm going to give you a little intro to who I am so that I can formulate my answer to Michelle's non question by the time I'm done telling you who I am. It's a pleasure to meet you all. I'm Michelle's little brother. So I'm honored, I get to be a part of the world that she's creating. It's amazing to be in her vortex. Because what Michelle does is she creates the experiences she wants. And then she invites all of us to jump in and participate and experience those worlds with her. It is such a pleasure to be here. As Michelle shared my work is to support everybody to go from idea to iTunes. So we take your message and we try and turn it into a mission, we want to rally your audience want to rally your clients around this message that you have to help change the world into a little bit better space that you're envisioning. And we're here to help get that message out to the world. In fact, what we're really trying to do is help get your message into a movement. Because once you really dive in on that purpose, and you plant your flag, and this is how I want to help change the world, that people will rally around you. You're using a podcast to broadcast what your message message and mission are. And it's going to attract like minded people to join you in supporting moving that mission forward. Very excited to be a part of all of this for you all, I'm excited to be here and share any insights that we can. What we're seeing right now with podcasters is there is, you know, the fear, the hesitation that Michelle shared of putting ourselves out there, we're wanting it to be perfect. We want you to think of every domino that's going to fall before we press the first one over. But the challenge is with podcasting. And with anything, we're all still evolving. We're not we haven't crossed the finish line yet. So we eventually need to jump into that race. And we need to be a part of that race. And we need to share our journey with everyone. The audience members that we attract are going to be the ones that are only two or three steps behind us. So when we share the current struggles that we're facing, we're helping them get to where we are. And sharing those struggles is all about evolving out loud. We're putting ourselves out there to the world with what we're facing, and how we're facing those challenges in hopes of inspiring others to do the same. So podcasting, it's very impossible to be inauthentic. You can't really talk for minutes, two hours a day, without getting to the real heart of what you're facing. So we got to bear it all. And we're here to help you find that confidence and find that momentum to share your message with the world. And I can't wait to support you on doing that.
Michelle Abraham:thinking about your goals for:Braden Ricketts (AmplifYou):ing out to the world? What is: