Everyone has a story. You have an important story that needs to be shared in the world. Share your message in the world by being a guest on a podcast or by having your own show. Don’t be shy, grab a microphone, get into podcasting, leave a lasting impact into the world by having quality podcast content. In this episode, Michelle Abraham shares the Amplifyou method of creating transformational podcast content.
Don’t miss
- Why do you may want to pay attention to podcasting right now
- Be brave with your voice
- Get aligned with your message
- Create momentum with your movement
- Connect with Community
- Be transformational not transactional
- What stops us from creating transformational content
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About About the Host:
Michelle Abraham – Podcast Producer, Host and International Speaker.
Michelle was speaking on stages about podcasting before most people knew what they were, she started a Vancouver based Podcasting Group in 2012 and has learned the ins and outs of the industry. Michelle helped create and launched over 30 Podcasts in 2018 and has gone on to launch over 200 shows in the last few years, She wants to launch YOURS in 2021!
14 years as an Entrepreneur and 8 years as a Mom has led her to a lifestyle shift, spending more time with family while running location independent online digital marketing business for the last 9 years. Michelle and her family have been living completely off the grid lakeside boat access for the last 4 years!
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This is Amplifyou the podcast about you discovering your message and broadcasting to the world. If you're a coach, author or speaker, you'll want to tune in. If you're looking for the best return on your time investment to get your message out to the world in a bigger way. We're giving you full access behind the scenes look of how we're running our podcasts, how our clients have found success, and what you can do to launch your podcasts today. The world needs your message. I'm Michelle Abraham, the host. Join my family as we unleash your unique genius and find the connections you need to launch your venture today. Join us and let's get amplified.
Michelle Abraham:Hello, hello amplify you family. Michelle Abraham your host today. I'm so excited. We get to bring on my friend Heather Hester. Hey, Heather, how are you?
Heather Hester:Hello, Michelle, how are you? It's good to be here.
Michelle Abraham:It's so great to be here. So Heather is one of our seven figure podcasters in the program that Evans and I teach. And she's also one of our podcast management clients. And I'm so excited to share with you behind the mic today. All about her podcast. Her podcast is called Just Breathe Parenting Your LGBTQ Teen finally got it right. Oh, those letters together mess me up. Those letters messed me up all the time. And just the love Heather's podcasts so much. And a big congratulations to her because she was just featured in podcasts magazine as well. There was a write up about her podcast and in soak and just happened to be Paris Hilton on the cover of the magazine that month. So how cool is that? You have an article in a magazine that Paris Hilton was on to her. Very cool. Yes. So cool. So I want to start with your podcasting journey. So let's take a dive back into when you started your show, you're let's just put it this way your shows doing very, very well. You've gotten download numbers that are great you are in the flow of it, people are recognizing your show starting to build a community from your show tickets back to why you started. So
Heather Hester:I mean, the simple answer to that is I wanted to reach more people with my message. And I was actually on vacation and I was reading an article about somebody that I really admired. And they were talking about their podcast, and I was like, oh, podcast, that's a really good idea. I should start a podcast. And so I took a class when I got home, this like six week class on how to start a podcast. And I just did it. I just put it together and launched it. And I will tell you that that is not my typical way of doing anything. It's maybe one of the few things in my life that I've been like I didn't overthink because I overthink everything. And so the fact that I just like put it out there. And then you know, figured out the as I went along figured it out. And one of my favorite things. So first of all, a wish I would have known about you two and a half years ago when I did this because
Michelle Abraham:We'll we're here now, it's okay.
Heather Hester:I will tell you having it's just so lovely in so many ways because I edited my own show, I did everything with my show for the first few years. And you know, really good to learn all of that, but also super time consuming. So
Michelle Abraham:the fact that you've made it through two years doing that yourself is really something to be proud of. Because I think a lot of people that's where the pod fee comes in, right? They stop after 20 episodes like this is too much work done.
Heather Hester:Right? Well and I think I might have you know, the only reason I didn't do that is because I really was having so much fun and still having so much fun. I really love podcasting. It surprised me I didn't realize I would I didn't think I would love it as much because I'm not an extrovert I'm an introverted or what am I an extroverted introvert? That's
Michelle Abraham:the same to extrovert introvert. Yeah.
Heather Hester:So that's not my natural place of being. But I just I was kind of struck by how much fun I found it to be and meeting all these people who just knew so much about my topic. So
Michelle Abraham:yeah, that's so cool. I'm just to put it in perspective to like, hollows podcast is a ranked global ranking of 2% on Listen notes, which means no 2.8 million podcast. She sits in the top 2% of all podcasts out there. So that is also something to be proud of, which is awesome.
Heather Hester:It is at you when you first told me that I was like no way. No way. I mean, that just blew me away. But it also you know it gives me the story. Thanks to keep doing this, because I know that it's, you know, people are getting something from us and people are listening in. And it is, you know, doing what I set out to do. So,
Michelle Abraham:yeah, and speaking of which, I mean, I feel like your podcasts, one of the one of the things that makes it do well is that you will have like a movement that you're creating, really from your show. And you know, you're you are a fuel is coming out coach, which I love that. So cool. And so, and your podcast has got some really unique features to it, including your kids. So I would love for you to just kind of share with us like how that kind of started, what's the movement in the bigger message that you are creating with the podcast as a vehicle.
Heather Hester:So I think one of the, the lovely things about me not really, knowing what I was doing is that I didn't really adhere to, like, pay attention to like any of the rules or the talk that was out there. So you know, I pretty quickly because my show is about, you know, parenting your LGBTQ kid. And I talk very much about our journey, and everything that we've learned along the way. And of course, you know, we are still on our journey, so it's ever evolving. And I brought my son Connor on who is is this kid I talked about, and he's been on several times. And so kind of adding that kid element I've had my daughter Grace on I've had my husband on. And so there's very much this like, super personal element to it. I think also, I really talk about it kind of like this is the way it is like, here's the way it is, and which is rather refreshing. And you're vulnerable, and you're vulnerable. And
Michelle Abraham:like really like real. And I think your audience really relates to that too. And like especially like I love like Connors episode is like one of my most favorite podcast episodes I've ever listened to. He's so he's so real. And he's sharing his journey. And like, what he wants parents to know, like, how what he was going through what maybe your kids want you to know. And I think that's such a cool, kind of like a different twists on like, just you sharing other experts and their expert advice. Like, here's a kid that actually just went through this, and has come through the ups and downs of it all. And now he's sharing his story with, with the kids and the parents to inspire them. So awesome. Yeah,
Heather Hester:yeah, I mean, that has been, like, those are some of my favorite episodes too. And, and they are just, you know, of course, when you can be really feel very vulnerable. And you can be really real, that's really and people connect with that is awesome. And when I started, I didn't, you know, I had no idea where this was all going to dead, though I didn't start it with this, like, plan. This is what I want to like the movement I want to create. So it's been very organic in the way that it has kind of developed along the way. And now I have a much more clearer vision of who this is what this is what we can do in the world. Like, this isn't just, you know, I want to help you know, 20 parents out there that says, We can do this. And that's pretty cool. So it's definitely, you know, my one of my things that I always say is, you know, it's changing the conversation. And you know, transforming that conversation and having that conversation.
Michelle Abraham:Yeah, and what's really cool, too, I remember you saying that you're getting not just the parents who thought you were talking to you, but also the kids reaching out and saying, like, Oh, thank you for sharing this, like, giving them the confidence also just so cool.
Heather Hester:Oh my gosh, so cool. I every time I kid reaches out in some way, I was like, Oh, yay. And it also makes me feel like okay, I'm doing something right, like acting in a way that not only our parents connecting to it, but kids are connecting to it. And they're really what they're connecting to, of course is Connor and and grace when she came on and and just the information that we're putting out there, which is you know, very inclusive and very edge in a way that's not judgmental. That's not shameful. That's not it's just very, it's very loving. And so that's that's kind of our whole thing.
Michelle Abraham:Yeah, it's really great. And so now you also have a little bit of a different cadence on your show than a lot of shows out there. And it's something that you know, I think a lot of people would recommend against doing and by only having a show like every other week by you You have found you've all your shows obviously grown really great, you haven't found that that's been a hindrance at all to your growth? Or a how, what's your thoughts on the cadence of the show?
Heather Hester:I, you know, I initially did that the every site, yes, every other Tuesday is when I post. And I did that because I it was just me or it is just me. And so I thought this is what I can handle doing. And I didn't want to, you know, over promise and under deliver. So I thought, well, this is this is something I can manage on my own. And, and I've been you know, and I've also been very consistent I've only taken breaks around the Christmas holidays. So I think that's been a big piece. What I like to do it every week. Yes, absolutely. And that stuff right there, right, because it's so much fun. And it's just, you know, such a lovely way to connect, connect with other people. But there's never
Michelle Abraham:a shortage of people either right, though, like, I'm sure the floodgates have opened up people that want to connect with you and want to be on your show, be a part of your show, or promote your show, being your program or in your communities been really cool. It's been
Heather Hester:very, very cool. And my list is getting longer and longer. So I have people that I want to interview and who wants to be on the show. And then I also have my list of solo topics that keeps growing. But I'm like, Oh, I really want to talk about this. And oh, I really want to talk about that. So yes, I am working toward that every week, which I think will be huge for growth. But right now, I mean, I've seen consistent steady growth every month since I started. So that has for anybody who is thinking, Oh, I can only do that. Right. It's
Michelle Abraham:consistent. Yeah. And you're starting to get clients now into your business, from your podcasts into your community, which is huge. And so I wanted to bring that up, because this is not a How To Make Money kind of business podcast, right? This isn't a space that is not a money making or teach you how to make money kind of spacebar I think a lot of people may think well, um, you know, my pet, my podcast is in spirituality or some parenting or, you know, that will work for me to be able to monetize my show eventually. But that's not really the case. Right?
Heather Hester:It is not, and this is something that I've definitely learned from you and happens because I did think that and I thought, well, you know, my shows is just just for fun, fun, and it's just for like education right or, or just for there to be like a support and other support piece. But really what I what I've learned from you all is that by doing this, I am this kind of like that first piece of connections. So the people that I am now working with, and you know, who I will work with down the road, can initially connect with me in their way by listening to my podcast. So that is a very powerful point of connection was not even realizing before,
Michelle Abraham:especially with your like typically the listeners that might not be ready to talk and listen to you for a long time and consume all your episodes. And then it's no longer a sales conversation. It's just like, hey, you're my coach. Let's go.
Heather Hester:Right? That's exactly right. So it takes away. But that sales piece really is it allows people to kind of get to know you and they're tired. So any of these other spaces that aren't directly sales related or making money related or, you know, kind of in a marketing place. This is a great way to make that connection with your ideal client.
Michelle Abraham:Yeah, for sure. And the other interesting thing I think about your showing like, well, you know, letting people know that you're available also to be hired. Right, that's something I think we forget sometimes is house to share with the audience that they can come into a role in Canberra.
Heather Hester:Yes. And that has been it has been something that I It has been a transition for me because that is not at all how I started. And I was actually talking I interviewed the other day, a guy who's just now starting his podcast. And that was the advice I gave him because he's a coach that was like from day one. Let people know they can work with you. Because otherwise what you know, one of my big mistakes and I didn't realize this at the time, but now I'm having to kind of do extra work. Because I trained everybody to just think that you know, I have the podcast I have the website I have all these things that I'm not necessarily resources. Correct all three reasons. refers to, this is my business also, this one I do. And, you know, this is how I make money off. So. So it's that whole piece of kind of shifting the mindset, which you've helped me do so much like shifting my mindset to being that like very heart centered entrepreneur where those pieces can work together,
Michelle Abraham:it's been really cool to see also, you start connecting with other people in your space. And like now you're starting to build this little bit of leadership within your space amongst other people who are doing similar kinds of things to you. And it's like, really great to see those connections being made. And like, it's that the growth of the network to and networking, I think that is really neat to see that that growth that you're experiencing.
Heather Hester:Yes, yes. And that was something that I was a little timid to step into for a while. And, and now, it's just, it's fun. And it's interesting, and I always learn something. And it's just a kind of a great way, not only to exchange information, but to really support each other and what you're doing.
Michelle Abraham:Yeah, and like the collaborations and like even some of the bigger associations wanting to, you know, have you been coming for workshops, or, you know, starting to do things like in a bigger connection and collaboration way to is super fun. It is so cool about having a podcast, right? Because you've got leverage in that opportunity for people to hear all about you and learn about you before you actually, you know, before they connect, and then invite you to do things with them.
Heather Hester:Right? Well, it allows you to develop credibility, and with that in a very unique way. And so that I think in a way that's not scary or right, in your face.
Michelle Abraham:It is awesome. I love it. Well, I wish we could take you keep you here longer to chat more, but
Michelle Abraham:we'll have to bring you back again. And but I want to know, before we let you go what is something that you want our podcasters who are at home right now maybe still thinking about doing a podcast? What do you want them to know?
Heather Hester:Oh, my goodness, just do it. Just stop thinking about it. Don't overthink it. And just it doesn't matter. I think one of the things Michelle always says that is so true. That you know if you're not embarrassed of your first four episodes, then you're doing something wrong. So don't try to you know Done is better than perfect. Just get it out there and go with it and have fun with it. Because this is fun.
Michelle Abraham:Right? You waited too damn long to put them out there. Always perfection comes along the way.
Heather Hester:I still don't have a perfect I'm sure
Michelle Abraham:it's needed. Right. And it's still the most favorite thing I do in my business.
Heather Hester:Is down for sure. Yeah,
Michelle Abraham:exactly. Well, Heather, thank you so much for being here with us. amplify your family go out there have an amazing day. And if you haven't started your podcast, why not get out there, start your podcast. Remember, if you know embarrassed by your first few episodes, you waited too long to get them out there. So just go and do it. Like Heather says. All right. Well, I'll talk to you guys again next week.