Nicole Borghi and Beverly Zeimet’s conscious connection, aligned passion and purpose makes their podcasting ride more fun and exciting. They are behind the mic of the 360 Wisdom Speaks podcast, pulling out inspiring stories, bringing hope and guidance to change humanity and make this world a better place to live. Let’s dive into why they decided to start a podcast together and what 360 Wisdom Speaks Podcast is all about.
Don’t miss:
- How Beverly & Nicole co-hosting partnership work
- Just because you’ve had a challenge, it doesn’t have to define you, it doesn’t have to make who you are
- The energy healing aspect of life is where everything revolves around
- Without business with a heart, we have to learn to laugh, and we have to learn to love
- What has been something that podcast has brought to Beverly & Nicole’s life that was unexpected
- Podcasting is your opportunity to be an expression of yourself
About Beverly & Nicole
Beverly Zeimet
Beverly Zeimet is an International Speaker and #1 Best Selling Author, Co-Host of the 360 Wisdom Speaks Podcast and Media, Ambassador for Rhino XR Studios, Workshop and Retreat Facilitator, Energy Healer, Psychic Surgeon, specializing in Metaphysics, Soul Alignment, Spiritual Awakening and Healing Frequencies leading to Life Changing Transformation.
Time to scale your business, get a global reach and get back to interacting face to face once again. Time to head to Virtual Reality where business is moving. Reach out if you want to know more. [email protected]
Nicole Borghi
Nicole Borghi has served as a Community Service Assistant in Law Enforcement, Security Manager, and was awarded for exceptional leadership with over 23 years of experience. She turned her passion of cleaning up the chaos, problem solving and healing victims in crisis to becoming a Transformational Coach, R.A.R.A. Specialist, Crystal Reiki Master, and utilizing her psychic and intuitive gifts.Transforming clients with energetic frequency change.Nicole guided family members and in-home care clients through alchemical transformation crossing them over into a light body being.
Schedule a complimentary 30 minute Clarity Call with her. Text her at 702-608-6639 / Email [email protected]
Website: Welcome (
About the Host:
Michelle Abraham – Podcast Producer, Host and International Speaker.
Michelle was speaking on stages about podcasting before most people knew what they were, she started a Vancouver based Podcasting Group in 2012 and has learned the ins and outs of the industry. Michelle helped create and launched over 30 Podcasts in 2018 and has gone on to launch over 200 shows in the last few years, She wants to launch YOURS in 2021!
14 years as an Entrepreneur and 8 years as a Mom has led her to a lifestyle shift, spending more time with family while running location independent online digital marketing business for the last 9 years. Michelle and her family have been living completely off the grid lakeside boat access for the last 4 years!
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This is amplify you the podcast about you discovering your message and broadcasting to the world. If you're a coach, author or speaker, you'll want to tune in. If you're looking for the best return on your time investment to get your message out to the world in a bigger way. We're giving you full access behind the scenes look of how we're running our podcasts, how our clients have found success, and what you can do to launch your podcast today. The world needs your message. I'm Michelle Abraham, the host join my family as we unleash your unique genius and find the connections you need to launch your venture today. Join us and let's get amplify.
Michelle Abraham:Hello, hello amplify you Michelle Abraham your hosts here today. Guys. I'm so excited to bring you this behind the mic interview. I have not one host but I have two hosts today. In fact, they're co hosts of threesixty wisdom speaks I'm very excited because these guys these ladies are so awesome. There are Palooza hosts for for they came in I first met them when their hosts on Poda palooza. Now they're coming back again to do pod Palooza again. And they've been interviewing so many incredible people on their podcast. Let me introduce guys to Nicole Borghi and Beverly Zeimet. Beverly and Nicole. Welcome. Nice to have you guys here.
Nicole Borghi:Oh, we're glad to be here. Thank you.
Beverly Zeimet:Thank you so much. This is gonna be absolutely a blast. We're ready for it.
Michelle Abraham:Awesome. I love it. So we just share a little bit about wisdom 360 Wisdom speaks so it's a podcast for you guys help illuminate the soul, eliminate the souls with quantum frequency vibration and inspire women to live their life to the fullest. So I love this guy's you know, this speaks so deep to us at amplify you and a lot of the clients we work with love, love the shows we work on. So it's no wonder we all get along so well. So let me let me turn it to you guys. How did this CO hosting partnership work? I want to dive into that because it's a whole nother level of kind of podcasting with someone else, and then also hills a little bit about how the idea of the show started.
Nicole Borghi:Well, thank you for that introduction. You know, we both were doing a podcast, Beverly and I were both doing separate podcasts. And we were sharing guest back and forth. And we're like, you know what, let's, let's, let's share this, let's amplify this, how can we compound this energy and work it together? And and so Beverly and I became co hosts, we started working together and say you know what, it's always better. And it's absolutely more fun on the ride, when you're supported when you're in that conscious connection with someone else. Because there's just times that the your partner keys keys into something else. They key into something else visually, mentally, emotionally. And it's just a great way to have a compounded conversation and be part of a group and be part of that momentum moving forward.
Michelle Abraham:Yeah, I love that with the Can someone to like help keep the energy out of bounce, bounce questions off of and hey, how cool is that? I love what you said, where you guys are both interview people, seeing people swapping back and forth in the races like why don't we just like, do it all together. And that way, you know, you get to both interview the same person at the same time, and put all your energy into one show. That's awesome. So but really, how long have you guys been doing this together for about a year,
Beverly Zeimet:we started in August and actually launched it in September. And it's just, it's taken on such a life of its own. We're so excited, you know that it has really gone the direction it has, you know, and we did our press releases and stuff. And we were just getting some of the most marvelous, you know, speakers out there. People are finding us like all over the place. So obviously, we're doing something right. And so we're gonna continue to keep on doing whatever it is we're doing. Right. And, you know, it's all about that collaboration. But it's also bringing hope and guidance and direction to others out there, you know, to where we want to change humanity. We want to make things a better place to live. We want to make each and every human out there, a better them. You know, and if we can do that by sharing stories, and helping other people understand that, hey, you know, just because you've had a challenge, it doesn't have to define you. It doesn't have to make you who you are, you know and find your identity and just be vulnerable and be open and share with others. You know what you did overcome that and learn from others and how they overcame and that has been a really, really good protocol for our show. And, and some of the stories are like they're mind blowing, you know, and exciting and fun, you know, but everyone has their own little glitch in their in their own little niche in their own little I did it. Right. And that's where that support comes like Nicole was talking about, you know, as being able to feel that support, and to be able to let people have an expression and and just be who they are and speak that truth that truth. That's their truth, right? Because it's a story that needs to be told.
Michelle Abraham:Yeah, I love that you're pulling out like those inspiring stories. And what I found in the podcasting space, too, it's not necessarily the successes that people in the audience can relate to. It's those like things that they've overcome. So that's awesome that you guys bring that into the conversation. And you guys are going to talk about this in a little bit. I would love to know your guys tricks for like, seeing like CO hosting and like who gets to ask what questions and when do you have a little signals or things that you go back and forth with? So but before I ask that, I want to dive into a little bit about like, your guys background, like what were you doing before you guys came together on this podcast? Nicole, I would love to hear from you.
Nicole Borghi:Well, actually, my career was totally different for the last over 20 years. I'm from law enforcement and security. And it was really watching that chaos out there to say, how do I transform this? How do I transition this? How do I help people become a self leader? How do they get to that self mastery? And really, it's that leadership background that I honed in on and said, you know, what, how do we become the leaders within and stop being triggered constantly and be triumphant? And in that it's really developing the self, it's really watching who was inside who was at shadow self. And that's kind of how we work with a show is really awakening from those backgrounds and saying, you know, how, together and develop people, as an entrepreneur, we want to know your spirits journey and your heartfelt business, we want to understand that. But as an entrepreneur, there's so much leadership you have to have and so much energy and strength and that Kundalini or that she that you work with, how do you build that and put that into your business and propel that. And that was part of that really developing the shadow self. So watching that chaos, and really cleaning it up and saying, Okay, how can I wave my magic wand and say, Dean, everything's better? Well, I can't just do it myself. And I can't hold the burden. Because as healers, we always try to hold that. For others in service, that's not the way it's really allowing them to develop themselves. And that's that magical, that that's really the magic, that has changed so much.
Michelle Abraham:That's awesome. And we do find that like, as you're gone on your spiritual journey, it's also helped, like, you know, with with having the podcast and being able to share all those moments with all your guests to
Nicole Borghi:Oh, 100% It was really in the in coaching in the holistic sense and saying, you know, what, how do I share with these people, you know, in a nutritional sense in their temple in their body to say, Wow, how do I make this that that perfect person? Or how do you become that perfect, what's perfect for you on that path? And that's really taking the, all the equations of that person and putting them into one. And that was part of developing my journey as well as getting on my journey in business as saying, oh, okay, it doesn't work the same. It's not a cookie cutter for everybody. Everybody needs a foundation. But how do you get all the frosting and the sprinkles and do you even want all that right? Do you want chocolate? Or do you want vanilla? What do you really what's your flavor? What makes you you what makes you shine? And we're all different? And how do we get that and so watching that develop has been really integral in the show and bringing that all together to help us one by one one guests at a time developing that strategy in that protocol for the show, to really put it together and just compound it into everything that we do and developing a business through it.
Michelle Abraham:I love it. I think that's really unique what you guys are to the table Beverly what was your background before you started doing the podcast and Nicole I love how she's well. A laugh thats great.
Beverly Zeimet:So sandpaper to body shops. Okay. And anyways, that was in the automotive industry and in it all actually started after I lost my true identity after I got married and had three kids all of a sudden, I had no identity Do that by association. And that wasn't my life. That's not the way it was supposed to be. And so, you know, it was a struggle of a journey to get through to get over, and and figure out what, you know who I am. And where am I going, and I ended up leaving little farm country, USA, moving to big Denver, Colorado, getting a divorce, taking my three kids, and ended up selling sandpaper to body shops and starting my own business went to six figures in six months. And, you know, it was just, it was an interesting life, because it was not a woman's world. This is we're talking back in the early 80s. Okay, that didn't happen. But you know, what, when you have a drive, whatever that drive is, nothing's gonna stop you. You know, and for me, you know, it was like, first time I'd ever saw saw $1,000 in one spot, was what a friend of mine gave me $1,000 In here, go start your own business, okay. And, but it worked, you know, sometimes not knowing anything is better than knowing something. And, you know, and during that process, I learned a lot about who I was, and started on my spiritual journey at that point, you know, it's very intuitive. As a child, I didn't know that that's what it was back, it was back in the 60s in the 70s, let me tell you, there was nothing like that back in the Midwest. And so helping to understand, you know, where that metaphysical world was, and how that came all to be. I was introduced to a few people in Denver, that helped me to understand what it was that I was doing. And then in 89, I moved to Vegas, I sold the business moved to Vegas, and I got involved with a lot more spiritual people with crystals and all of that, and my spiritual journey started to really take off. And it was, I think it was like in 97, when I decided that, okay, I'm 100% down with the automotive, and I'm going to jump in an RV, and I'm going to just travel the world and I've never looked back. And so it's it's just been that spiritual journey ever since in every style and type of modality that's out there. You know, so the energy healing aspect of life is where everything kind of evolves around. Thus, the 360 wisdom speaks, you know, came into that being because it was full circle, right. 360 and, and then wisdom. Oh, my gosh, well, I'm in my wisdom years, right. I hope I learned something over all those. You know, and there's so much wisdom out there that can be shared. And that's what we like to share with our guests and be able to speak and that's how threesixty wisdom speaks just came into be right.
Michelle Abraham:I love how you guys were both in very, like male dominated, dominated non like traditionally spiritual industries, right before like, I think that gives you a very unique perspective on the very like juxtapositions of like them, you know, getting getting connected with your spiritual journey and, and look where you guys are today. That's amazing. I love it. Thank you. Yeah, so I would love to know what you guys what is now this might be something you need to talk about for a second. But what was your guys favorite? What has been your favorite podcast episode? Maybe you each have a different favorite one. That's great. I'd love to know what was your favorite episode that you've done? Did you have a favorite guests that you interview? What was it? What maybe your favorite? That stuff fair. Oh my god, your eyes. I know. I bet you guys loved it. We'll go with you guys are both gonna have different ones. I'm sure. You know, I
Beverly Zeimet:I can't say that. I really have just like one favorite. You know, because there's everyone is so unique in their own right. And I guess maybe the funniest and one that we had so far. was April and she's talking about about Alice in Wonderland, and her little dream thing that she goes on. It was it was so funny. Oh my god. We laughed and we laughed and we laughed. But, you know, I don't think there's been a show that we've had Nicole that there wasn't some kind of laughter going on. And you know, we had another gal just the other day. It out who's like a really sassy she's got these Absolutely beautiful cards, you know that affirmation cards and it's just sexy, sassy, fun laughter That's just really uplifting. So they those are the two that stand out the most right now.
Michelle Abraham:And so for our listeners for like, oh, I wanted to listen to those episodes, it was April, and the other one was with.
Beverly Zeimet:Oh, it was Halle edge. Hers hasn't even come to life yet because we just recorded.
Michelle Abraham:Okay, great. So our audience will have something to look forward to. I'm sure by the live it will be out by then. Awesome. Nicole, what was your favorite ones?
Nicole Borghi:Well, you know, I have to agree. You know, April, James is great. Look for the top hat for the top hat. She is a PhD. And she has a theater background of so she's just amazing. You know, it's it's always fun to have these guests that our guests are even financial with like windy, Labatt. I know finance isn't the best, most fun thing in the world. But what she does is she talks it's real talk. It's the nitty gritty. She's she's very connected to her angels and guides. And she's very faith based. But she's so forward and fun about it. And that the truth is the conversation that nitty gritty, fun, whimsical conversation to say, This is me, this is who I am. Like it or not, here I am. And I'm coming at you. I'm coming at you full force. And we want people to understand that, you know, hey, even woke doesn't mean broke. I mean, we're all there with spirit as spiritual people. We're serving the community. But how do we put those podcasts out there? And I know, Michelle, you've been just integral with us with PATA Palooza, and just meeting all these great people and sharing with people that say, Hey, this is my brand, this is my business. But without business with a heart, we have to learn to laugh, and we have to learn to love. And you know, when we talk about money and finances, that's your, your solar plexus moving into your your I'm sorry, your sacral and your solar plexus. And that's even talking about our new episode that sassy fun with Allie. It's like, you're sassy, you're sexy, you're fun, but that's your energy with everything. That's your creation in your spirit. And we've been lined with that. And when we have guests on, that are just so in their magic and in their space. It is amazing. We had JAMES THE SECRET Prophet on right the other day, and we're getting ready to put the release that episode in the next few weeks. And it's just, he was just so much fun. And he's so forward thinking and he's just so fun. And he's in his magic. And he's talks to so many people, and yet, he's blessed us to be on our show. And it's like, we have had so many amazing guests because they're fun, because they're laughing because they're sharing a story. And I love when we talk about how do we form the show two, it's I love to find out what's in that shadow self? What's in that soul of you? How did you get here? What are all those fragmentations of you coming into that? And that's that fun part? Sometimes for me, I know, my wicked sense of humor. It's like, Okay, I gotta laugh at that may have been tragic. But when we learned to laugh at that situation, say, Well, let me just sit back and armchair quarterback my life and say, whoops, I can make a movie out of that. That was crazy. Let's talk about that. And how do you change that and move that in a direction where you can share and transform and grow and share that with other people? And maybe you you've had the same experience? Or maybe Hey, whoa, you don't want to make that mistake. And it's just so awesome to share those stories.
Michelle Abraham:Yeah, I love it. Sounds like you guys. Just obviously love your guests and love your show. And I can tell just by your guy's energy and your passion with when you just talking about it. What has there been something that podcast is brought to your life that was maybe unexpected by starting a podcast or having a podcast that you'd like to share with us?
Nicole Borghi:Oh, gosh, yeah, it's the podcast itself has branded us into 360 media, and has become an outlet for us to put on events to have a business to put in ADS advertisement and really empower our guests on their branding and so is so many parts and pieces that have come together and just really blossom to say hey, you know what? We can put this this is how we can bring healers together. How can we spotlight healers, what can we do with a zoom call? What can we do on the virtual platform? What can we do with audio? How can you plug in and why would you want to listen and just plug into that and now it's just become a full marketing a full business and interaction separating that putting that together and saying, Hey, let's ride this crazy dream and make it a business. And we've had so much fun with it. And people have just been on board. And it's our passion and our purpose. And we've aligned it all.
Michelle Abraham:Yeah, I love that. Like our friend Kimberly Cruz says it was not fun. It's not worth doing right. So always make fun, right? If you've got if you know, and that's why I do what I do to you and why I fell in love with podcasting is because it's fun. And often a lot of our clients are launching their shows. They're a little nervous and worked up about launching, once they get going, oh my gosh, it's like unstoppable. It's like their most fun thing they do in their business. They don't want to do anything else they want to do someone's podcasting. Right. So I love it. What was it been for you, Beverly?
Beverly Zeimet:Oh, gosh, you know, what I what I really enjoy, is we get someone that has never done a podcast before. They've never done a show of any kind. And they're like a nervous wreck, right? Oh, my gosh, we get so crazy and silly at the very beginning where all of a sudden, they get relaxed. And by the time the show is over, they're like, oh my gosh, I didn't know I could have so much fun. That is music to my heart, you know, is to be able to help those. And when I was doing my show before we started the the joint podcast, you know, there were so many people that I had on my show that are now doing their own shows and doing their own podcasting, just because of the experience they had. And that is that is just speaks volumes for me. You know, like, wow, to change someone's life that much to have that expression. You know, and it's like Nicole, you know, this podcast has started taking on a life of its own, you know, and we're opening things up now, where we're looking for healers, you know, with specific modalities, you know, we want to be able to do some specialty shows, you know, where we're going to just market them as a group, you know, so this could be like a group of healers. And you know, so hey, we're putting the word out that we want healers, man come our way, right? Yeah. And it's just another piece, that's going to do exactly what our motto is. And that is to help humanity has have that love, that confidence, that fade, that trust and that belief in themselves, and in others, because it all starts with the self, right. And however it takes to get that information out there. And both Nicole and I are so energized, you know, and so kind of feed off of each other. You know, sometimes I'm way out here and left field, so she has to reel me in. That's not comfortable. It's not comfortable. It's not comfortable for her. But you know what, that's what makes us working together that that's what makes the show what it is and where it's going is because, you know, we don't take a personal with each other. And it's like, okay, we can make this work. Let's what do we have to do? And we just do it. And we couldn't do without our guests and people like you, Michelle, thank you.
Michelle Abraham:Well, that's so awesome. And you know, as you were saying your guests have so much fun. It is absolutely true. For our audience. I haven't really talked about Potter Palooza a lot because it's something that is so very new in my world. And pod Palooza is an event that I co hosted. And you guys keep anything you are featured podcasters. And the first one we did was in December. And the amount of people who came out of that afterwards and said how much they love being interviewed by you guys was insane. They're all saying you guys are like so great interviewing. They had the best time on your show. So I just appreciate you guys so much for having so much fun when you're interviewing and just pulling out the amazingness in your guests. So you guys are doing a brilliant job on that. And I congratulate you guys and like I love that the partnerships also like that's so great being co hosts were able to you know, share the share the excitement, share the journey with each other, you both bring something very unique to the table in your in your interview and in your conversations. So, before I let you guys go for today, because I know you are busy and you have lots of interviews to get to him. I do want to I just want to open up to either of you guys. If you guys can share something some advice. So a lot of our listeners are thinking about still podcasting, or they've just started or they're on their podcasting journey as well. Is there something that you guys would like to share being experienced podcasters yourself now with people that are maybe just beginning this journey?
Nicole Borghi:Right Thank you for that. I love that. Oh You know, and what I always share with? Guest is that, you know, what are you talking about? What do you have to say? You know, what is this? We all want to share? We all so many of us have a story. But what does that story say about you? And it's kind of like speaking right? On a stage? What do people want to hear? Is it about you? Or is it really about them? And it's always about your audience? And what do you have to say? And what's the longevity with this? And if you're doing it for business purposes, branding your business, and people want information, so give it to share with them.
Beverly Zeimet:Yeah, I, I agree with you. 100%. There, Nicole. One thing I would like to add is, it's your opportunity to be an expression of yourself. Right? We do video and audio, some do only, you know, one or the other. But we do both. So the options are there. And the show that I did before the theme was being the best you that you can be. And I live that theme for my life. Because go out and be that best you that you can be regardless of what it is. In every day, you'll just get even better and better and better. And when you can live your life being the best you that you can be. There's nothing else left to be because now you're living in your truth. You're walking your talk, you're just being and you're coming from the heart. And that's what it's all about.
Michelle Abraham:There you go, guys, you've gotten the wisdom from 360 Wisdom speaks, ladies. So thank you so much for joining us. Beverly in the call today. You guys have been absolutely a blast. And I just want to send everyone to your show. Go check it out. You guys. 360 Western speaks you'll find it on all the major podcasting platforms out there. Plus you guys, is there a website that you want to send them to as well? Sure it's
Nicole Borghi:good. It's 360 Wisdom speaks.
Michelle Abraham:Okay, well, there you go. Well, that's not difficult to remember. So guys, it'll be in the show notes as well. But 360 Wisdom speaks, you'll be able to find all the information and all the great episodes these guys have talked about today. Make sure you go look for the lady with the top hat. She was awesome. Apparently you need to go listen to that episode as well. So I provide you family. Thank you so much for joining us today is awesome interview Nicole and Beverly, thank you so much for spending your time with us today. It's been our pleasure to have you on and we hope to have you back again. We'll be seeing you at Potter Palooza coming up in a few weeks. So amplify your family you know the drill your uniqueness easier, genius go out there in the world. Be yourself and these ladies are perfect examples of that. Thank you again, everyone. Have a great week.
Beverly Zeimet:Thanks, Michelle.