It was 2 years ago, when Candy Motzek, the host of She Coaches Coaches podcast, guested here on Amplify You. How is she now? Embrace your coaching journey with Candy, as she shares her experience in mentoring new and struggling coaches, shedding light on the barriers and obstacles faced by many in the industry. Learn how Kandy has made podcasting her prime method of content creation and the go-to resource for coaches seeking support and guidance. Join us for this empowering conversation and find out how Kandy’s podcast serves as a free gift to the world, enabling access to valuable information and knowledge for coaches everywhere.
Don’t miss:
- What are the barriers to entry that is slowing people down from getting started?
- How has the podcast been a vehicle for Candy to support individuals through their journey?
- How is podcasting different from other marketing tips?
- How podcasting helped Candy build her one on one practice
- How Candy incorporated podcasting into her already existing business.
- The importance of maintaining a singular focus when you’re coming into coaching.
- The opportunities in participating events and joining communities.
About Candy Motzek:
Candy Motzek is a long time entrepreneur as well as a senior leader in “corporate”.
She is a passionate personal life and leadership coach. She is a PCC, Professional Certified Coach with the International Coaching Federation and took her original training at the Harvard of coach training, The Coaches Training Institute. In addition, she is an ICF Mentor Coach.
Candy coaches brilliant successful people to gain clarity, grow in confidence and take action on what matters most to create a successful and profitable Lifestyle Business.
Get Candy’s Free Private Podcast: Unlock Coaching Success:
About the Host:
Braden Ricketts is a passion and purpose accelerator. From his time in artist management to his years as an employment counsellor, Braden facilitates life-changing conversations. His approach is to find the unique genius in everyone and explore how that genius can make the world a better place. Braden works with his sister Michelle Elise Abraham at Amplifyou, a boutique podcast accelerator and management firm where he supports heart-centered coaches on their journey from idea to iTunes.
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This is Amplify You the podcast about you discovering your message and broadcasting it to the world. If you're a coach, author or speaker, you'll want to tune in. If you're looking for the best return on your time investment to get your message out to the world in a bigger way. We're giving you full access behind the scenes look of how we're running our podcasts, how our clients have found success, and what you can do to launch your podcast today. The world needs your message. I'm Michelle Abraham, the host join my family as we unleash your unique genius and find the connections you need to launch your venture today. Join us and let's get amplified.
Braden Ricketts (AmplifYou):Hello and welcome family. We are behind the mic at amplify you today. I have one of our incredible family members in amplify you. Candy motsek host of she coaches coach's podcast here to talk to us about life behind the mic candy, please welcome to the show.
Candy Motzek:Oh, thanks for having me. I've been looking forward to this call
Braden Ricketts (AmplifYou):me as well. We always have great conversations. So happy one of them's being recorded. Yeah. So she coaches coaches tell us what is the intention of your show? What is your audience getting by coming to check you out every week.
Candy Motzek:So it's a combination. I love the idea of promoting and supporting and encouraging new coaches to get started, I cannot tell you the number of people that I meet that say I've wanted to be a coach for seven years. And I keep wanting to do it. And I've never actually done it. And so it's to talk to those people that are like, this is their dream. And they just need that one little extra step to get out the door and to start creating, like creating it in their life. So there's that part of it. And then the other part is for the coaches who are starting or the coaches who are struggling, I want them to know that they're not alone, and that we all have struggles and that we all have things that we can learn. So kind of a dual purpose on it.
Braden Ricketts (AmplifYou):I love it. And so your avatar is the new to coaching, the thinking about coaching, the people that are looking for a tangible first step.
Candy Motzek:Yes, yes, definitely the first step and the encouragement that they can they can do it like that it's not so far away that it could just be it could start today even it doesn't have to be a month
Braden Ricketts (AmplifYou):from now. Right? And what are you seeing as their barrier to entry? Like what is slowing people down from getting started?
Candy Motzek:Yeah, it always comes down to fear. They. And I think that that's true for all of us is that we're always scared to make that start. So many people, you know, experienced, well skilled, amazing people, but they're it's like a part of them that they want to create. But they're just scared that somehow it just won't work. And so the fear is often this fear of disappointment, you know, so they're scared that if they start to become a coach, then that doesn't actually work. And so they hold themselves back and disappoint themselves in advance by not even trying. So that, that it's not a double edged sword, but they kind of they nipping at their heels before they've even started.
Braden Ricketts (AmplifYou):That is such a familiar fear. The afraid of failing, so you don't start.
Candy Motzek:Exactly. Oh, my goodness. So you fail.
Braden Ricketts (AmplifYou):From before you even start, right? Yeah. Oh, goodness. So you've got advice for these individuals, you've got tools, practical tips to get them moving, get over those fears. And they get into the coaching space, they start coaching their first client, they start running their first workshops, you've got tools and resources available to help them in every step of that journey. How has the podcast been a vehicle for you to support individuals through that process?
Candy Motzek:Oh, so in a couple of ways. So the first is to remind them that it's not as difficult as they thought it's going to be they come and they listen to my voice every week and they start to go, Oh, she's just told me exactly what to do. And so if I go and do that, well, then I've got a much better chance of it working. So that's one way. And then just the encouragement that I'm pretty honest on my podcast, I'm not like, all polished and perfect and thinking that things are you know, rainbows and daisies, I'm pretty upfront about my hurdles as well. And so when they hear that there's other people who are farther along the journey that have had challenges that still have challenge. I think it just gives them heart. You know, it just gives them that like, Ah, she's human, and it works. I could be human and it could work for me too.
Braden Ricketts (AmplifYou):You know, I've heard from so many coaches getting started that having a mentor in the space is one of those really key contributing factors to them feeling competent and moving forward with the challenges they face? Correct me if I'm wrong, but you having a podcast sharing your insights is almost like open mentorship to anybody who wants to be an audience member.
Candy Motzek:Yeah, that's true I have. So I think one of the things about doing a podcast that I really appreciate is that there are people in my space who, you know, it's not, they can't afford paying a mentor. But I don't want that to hold them back from doing what they're meant to do in the world. And so the podcast is like my free gift to the world where you could just listen to every episode, and you could just make a start, all you've got to do is putting your time and your energy. And if you don't have the money, you can still make a start. And so there's, there's that aspect of it. And then on the mentorship side, the part that I, I wholly agree with you that a mentor and a guide, as well as a community are really important. And I'm hoping that as people wander around with your earbuds in you know, they're on their peloton, or driving their kids to school or whatever, that just having that in their ear just helps helps keep them going. Right. Yeah,
Braden Ricketts (AmplifYou):yeah, the the old adage that you are the five people you spend the most time with, is something that hit me when I started listening to podcasts, because I can now curate who I spend a lot of my time with, what advice I'm listening to what influences are in my ears. And the advice that you give would just be given me that more confidence on a weekly basis of that. Yeah, I am. I'm in this space, and I can take care of these challenges. Yeah, yeah, for sure. Love that. Now, candy for someone who is putting themselves out there as a coach. Right now, there's a lot of marketing tips and advice out there for you know, flash your brand on the screen, wave your arms yelling, scream, get attention, bring people into your world. How is podcasting different than that for you?
Candy Motzek:Yeah, so podcasting is the best. That's, that's sort of the definitive word on it. So one of the things that I think is is pretty cool is that most coaches, what we love is we love these one on one conversations. And even if your group coaching, or you're delivering a program, there comes a time where you're coaching an individual. So the podcasting works so well, because you're either doing a solo episode, where you're talking to your listener, and anytime I record a solo episode, I'm thinking I'm talking to one person, I'm not talking to an audience. So that fits so nicely with coaches. And then if you are doing an interview, again, it's just you and the person that you're interviewing. So again, it's that one on one conversation. And that's why I think podcasting is just like the best because I actually feel like I'm connecting with an individual. Whereas when you're on social dancing on Tik Tok, or whatever, you're just kind of like dancing in front of the camera that's in your living room. Like, I don't feel like I'm connected with anybody. But podcasting is a connection.
Braden Ricketts (AmplifYou):It is such an intimate form of media. I don't know anybody who listens to podcasts with other people, they're usually an individual activity. And it's, I would say, either while you're driving a car or with headphones in your ear, so they're rate your rate in somebody's ear talking to them. And something you said is very important. You're having a one on one conversation. We've been coaching this forever, where if you're trying to talk to everybody, it detracts from the intimacy of this medium. Whereas your approach to speaking to one individual, you're identifying that one listener and having clear conversations about what their challenges are and supporting that individual. It really lends the intimacy of the podcast, which helps build your know, like and trust factor or hinder your personal brand with that individual. You mentioned that this has helped you build your one on one practice. Tell us a little bit more about that.
Candy Motzek:Yeah, so it's as simple as this, I do podcast, I release them weekly. And people DM me and say, hey, I want to work with you. Like, it doesn't get any easier than that. So the more genuine you are, when you show up as yourself, and you show that you can help people and you actually help them, then it's such a direct reward. It's such a direct connection. And I don't know, I don't know, any other platform that can allow that. So it is one of the simplest ways to build a one on one practice as you get out there. And you record and you release and then people will reach out to you don't happen in the first week, but it's going to happen.
Braden Ricketts (AmplifYou):Yeah, having that place where they can reach out to you is that key piece? Because you're sharing vulnerably you're sharing intimately, and you have an open door for them to then join that conversation. I think that is a real key to success for you. Hmm. Tell me about you actually, coaches, coaches, you were running your business before you started your podcast? How was that transition of adding your podcast? In? Did it take away from the work you were doing? Did it? Was it a simple process? Tell us a little bit more.
Candy Motzek:So I think it shifted my priority. And it helped me to focus so that podcasting is like my main, my main approach now, transitioning into being a podcaster. And having a podcast, it took some effort. But once I got the concept that I got to choose one main method, and then that main method is promoted on the other platforms. I think that was the transition. Can you ask me that? Again? There's, there's a piece that I forgot.
Braden Ricketts (AmplifYou):Yeah, I wanted to know about how you incorporated podcasting into your already existing business. And if it was a simple process, or if you had to reinvent the way you were operating,
Candy Motzek:I'll say I had to reinvent. But the reinvention was to simplify and to streamline. And so because podcasting is my prime method, now, I take that podcast for the week, and that's my blog posts for the week. And then my weekly email that goes to my audience, my email list is about that podcast episode as well. And then my social media for the week as based on the episode for the week. So it's like, it's the core piece, and then everything comes out of that. That. So that is a reinvention for sure. And also the simplification, as opposed to thinking, what will I put on social media? And then have a random list of topics? What will I write to my email list? And again, a random list of topics? And oh, yeah, I think I should put something on my website to make sure that I'm continuing to be active. So it's a much more deliberate approach. And I think it is, it makes it less energy in a way as well, because once you've got that episode figured out, everything flows from that, it's a lot less thought.
Braden Ricketts (AmplifYou):It sounds like a very cohesive approach. We really liked that podcasting can be that content generation hub, as you mentioned, you record that piece of content, and then it can be utilized across the multiple platforms. You've just shared with me that you are going to be moving into a multi episode a week, deliverables. Now, how do you come up with your content on such a regular basis?
Candy Motzek:Well, part of it is because I meet so many interesting people, and I love doing interviews. And then if I'm doing these interviews, it really feels like I should be releasing those episodes, at least within three months of the conversation. So there's that interesting conversations with interesting people. And I know those conversations will also support my audience. And then I have this thing that happens, where I wake up with ideas. And so those ideas are creative inspirations. And if they're being planted in my brain, then that means that they should be put out into the world. So I'm an idea generator. And it has been the biggest challenge has been keeping the brakes on the number of episodes that I released. And so going to multi episode per week format, is just going to actually will probably be less energy because I keep holding it back. Now I can just sort of let it fly. I love that.
Braden Ricketts (AmplifYou):What a good problem to have. But yeah, we come up with inspiring ideas and wanting to share with the
Candy Motzek:world. Yeah, totally.
Braden Ricketts (AmplifYou):You mentioned a little bit before about maintaining a singular focus when you're coming into doing this type of work. Tell me a little bit more about that.
Candy Motzek:I think that that is a distraction and shiny object syndrome is one of the things that is to the detriment of entrepreneurs and the detrimental coaches and new coaches specifically, we think that we have to do everything and we forget that we have our way, our prime way that works for us. So when you move to choosing that podcasting is your prime way, it allows you to remove some of those distractions, and that makes the whole process easier.
Braden Ricketts (AmplifYou):So I think it's Robin Sharma who coaches about Mahnomen I echo focus. And that is a key ingredient to legendary action takers, the ones who have huge results because they're able to stay focused on one thing and not chase all the shiny objects.
Candy Motzek:Yeah, because when you do that, you actually get nothing done. You do two bits of two bits of a 10 piece puzzle, and three bits of that job over there. And in the end, you've been busy all day, but you've never accomplished anything, and created something that you want to put your name on.
Braden Ricketts (AmplifYou):Yes, I'm raising a teenager, and I'm trying to encourage him that one of the most marketable and valuable skills he could have growing up is focus, attention and communication, especially in person communication, because everything's online these days. Yeah, yeah, for sure. So your podcast, she coaches coaches is an evolution, it sounds like you're finding new ways to keep utilizing it. Where do you see this growing for you and supporting your business as you continue?
Candy Motzek:I don't know.
Braden Ricketts (AmplifYou):I appreciate the honesty,
Candy Motzek:Idina? Um, yeah, you know, it just, it feels like this growing body of work? I don't know, I don't have the answer to that. I could give you all kinds of theoretical answers, but none of them feel true. So
Braden Ricketts (AmplifYou):I appreciate that. One of the things that we've really benefited from in our relationship is you've been one of the people who has taken on all the opportunities that are available through the FIU partnerships through the events through the different trainings. So you've seen a lot of the guest speakers that we've brought in. And there's definitely new pieces of advice. And you're always really good at providing feedback to us about how those events have supported you and how those events could also be improved. To add more support to the community, I want to thank you from as a team member, for your involvement and your engagement in those. And I want to ask also what your recommendations are for others who maybe not are taking those opportunities as to what you might be gaining from those events, what you're learning, and anything that you might be incorporating into your shows creation and how you, you run your podcast.
Candy Motzek:Yeah. And so, I am a firm believer that when you find a group of people that are wonderful, heart centered, emotionally intelligent, caring, and creating a business, I think that that's the magic, right? And so when you can find that group of people, and that's amplify you and Michelle and yourself and the rest of the team, then you just stick with them, like, there are so many, there are so many people out there that don't align from a values standpoint. And so when you find people that live a real life, and that really want to help people, then don't go somewhere else, you know, so that's the, that's the why I came into this community and stick with this community, because I trust it. And I know that it's for the betterment of all of us, you know, we create that collaborative approach, the cohesiveness, and we will all grow from that. So that's one part. The other part is that, again, it's back to this singular focus. It does not serve me to follow too many mentors, because if I follow too many, everybody has a slightly different approach. And I find that if I go with one paths, and I see that path, and then I can focus just on that, and then I say, well, of this path, much of this works for me. But there's 10%, that's not quite me, I can choose them. But if I'm looking at three or four mentors, it's really hard to make it my paths. So it's, it's again, it's about focus and coming into a streamlined approach. And I think, you know, the other part that's behind it is you've got role models who are creating a good, solid, profitable business in the right way that to be associated that without us a big deal. And to, to be able to say, well, that's possible. I respect that. I appreciate that. And then to use that as your way of saying, and so how do I want to be, right? Allowing like each of us creates a business for ourselves based on our own values. So when you have a role model, and then you take what works for you, instead of trying to make your business like everybody else's business? I don't know if that makes sense or not, but it's much more inwardly focused, it's an inwardly focused motivation as opposed to try I need to create a business that you think looks like every other gurus business.
Braden Ricketts (AmplifYou):And that seems very aligned with the content of your show and the practice of your business, which is don't create the business that I've created. Create one that is unique to you your skill set and your talents. Yeah, yeah, for sure. Absolutely. Now, with all of these podcasts and the success that you've had, and these connections you've made, you are now getting asked to be a speaker at some events. Tell us what is your topic? And how would somebody connect with you if they would like you to be on their show?
Candy Motzek:Ah, well, so the things that I love to talk about are impostor syndrome. That's the first and sort of the, my go to thing that I talk about. I also love to talk about the myths of entrepreneurs. So the five big myths that new coaches specifically experience, and that they used to hold themselves back. And so how to overcome those. Those are the two big areas that I like to speak on most.
Braden Ricketts (AmplifYou):I love it. And what about people who feel like they would be able to provide value to your audience? Are you accepting guests on your show? And if so, how do they connect with you?
Candy Motzek:Yes, so definitely, always looking for good guests. My audience are coaches, and new coaches, and often people who are they wish they were coaches, they're successful people in their lives, and they're looking for that courage to take the step. So guests that are examples of that courage who have taken that step. And guess who are experts in certain areas, like a certain social media platform, for example, or a service that will really help a coach and help them market their business help them become an even better coach.
Braden Ricketts (AmplifYou):And for those that are ready, you have a gift, you're giving away a toolkit, is that right?
Candy Motzek:Yes, yes. The easiest way to get the gift is to go to the domain candies, a free And it's candies with an S free
Braden Ricketts (AmplifYou):Fantastic. She coaches coaches available on all platforms. Make sure you go check it out, subscribe and review. Candy gives practical advice to those getting started and those who are long into it and just need reminders and tips and advice. So fantastic content. Candy. Thank you so much for your time today.
Candy Motzek:Oh, thanks so much for having me. Pleasure.