Behind The Mic: Mailbox Money Show with Bronson Hill

Bronson Hill is the managing member of Bronson Equity and a general partner in 2000 multifamily units worth over $200M. In his third attempt of doing a podcast, he finally launched his show successfully, the Mailbox Money Show. It was sailing smoothly with more than 60 episodes now. Let’s find out his podcasts strategies and let’s get to know more about him. 

Don’t miss:

  • What to expect on Mailbox Money Show.
  • Bronson’s team strategy in promoting episodes on social media.
  • How consistency plays a key role for podcasters. 
  • Getting people to write reviews or put five stars on your show.
  • Why it’s a great strategy for a podcast host to show up as a guest on the other shows.
  • Now with all the technology, it’s easy to start a podcast.
  • The importance of taking action toward your goals.

About Bronson Hill

As the Managing Member of Bronson Equity (, Bronson is a general partner in 2000 multifamily units worth over $200M. Bronson co-leads a large in person multifamily meetup in Pasadena, CA called FIBI Pasadena Multifamily ( 

Bronson is the host of The Mailbox Money Show and he understands the investor mindset, having spoken individually over the phone with over 1200 investors and having raised over $25M for real estate deals. 

Bronson is the author How to Use Inflation to Your Advantage and is a regular contributor to YouTube and his blog. Bronson is the Capital Raising Coach at Kingdom REI, a faith based group, helping investors find deals and raise funds for large real estate deals. 


Free Download of “How to Use Inflation to your Advantage”:

About About the Host:

Michelle Abraham – Podcast Producer, Host and International Speaker.

Michelle was speaking on stages about podcasting before most people knew what they were, she started a Vancouver based Podcasting Group in 2012 and has learned the ins and outs of the industry. Michelle helped create and launched over 30 Podcasts in 2018 and has gone on to launch over 200 shows in the last few years, She wants to launch YOURS in 2022!

14 years as an Entrepreneur and 8 years as a Mom has led her to a lifestyle shift, spending more time with family while running location independent online digital marketing business for the last 9 years. Michelle and her family have been living completely off the grid lakeside boat access for the last 4 years!

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Amplifyou Intro/Outro:

This is amplify you the podcast about you discovering your message and broadcasting it to the world. If you're a coach, author or speaker, you'll want to tune in. If you're looking for the best return on your time investment, to get your message out to the world in a bigger way. We're giving you full access behind the scenes look of how we're running our podcasts, how our clients have found success, and what you can do to launch your podcast today. The world needs your message. I'm Michelle Abraham, the host. Join my family as we unleash your unique genius and find the connections you need to launch your venture today. Join us and let's get amplified.

Michelle Abraham:

Hello, hello amplify your family Michelle Abraham, your host here today with an amazing behind the live interview today. I've got Brunson hill with me today. How are you, Brian?

Bronson Hill:

I'm doing well Michelle, really excited to be here. I love talking about podcasting and growing your business. And this is obviously a great way to do and you guys are doing an amazing job in this space and really excited to be here.

Michelle Abraham:unson is a general partner in:Bronson Hill:

I didn't start my show right away. I started my business a couple years ago, I've been doing multifamily real estate for about four or five years real estate a long time before that. And I started with doing a monthly webinar, just kind of an event. And then I realized, man, I want to just put more content out there. And so now we're doing weekly, just once a week podcast, which has been great. We also posted on YouTube as well. And it's been awesome, it's been a lot of fun, you have a lot of great conversations as a host that you would never really have within others, you know, you're just caught up and you basically have you got all the questions you want. And you get to let your audience kind of lean in and just, you know, be a part of that as well. So it's been a lot of fun and obviously learned a lot about how to do it and things to ask and how to structure that. But it just I think it helps you as an individual helps you as a communicator, and it gives you a lot of a lot more content to be able to put out to the world, which is great.

Michelle Abraham:

Yeah, absolutely. What's your strategy been for like reaching out to guess? Are you opening trying to open doors for new relationships? Or what kind of guests that you're looking for on your show?

Bronson Hill:

Yeah, so I typically look, our audience really are primarily passive investors, typically business owners, or people that are trying to figure out how to replace their income or their living expenses with passive income, which is possible. It's something I did other people have done so. And once you do that, you don't necessarily have to replace your income, you can replace the I realized, for me, I could replace something like $60,000 a year and that was enough for me to live comfortably enough on and then I could actually leave my great corporate job who's making over 200k a year doing so when it comes to actually guests. On my show, I tried to talk about issues like reducing or paying zero taxes, which is absolutely possible, using inflation to your advantage. So you're not the one who's feeling the pain. You're the one who's actually taking advantage of that. We talked about real estate investing, we talked about other alternative assets and just really the skills it takes to grow your wealth over time, especially in these changing economic times.

Michelle Abraham:

Awesome, and I love that you're not just like focused on when you're going out as a guest. You're not just focused on being on other real estate shows, you're really focused on the lifestyle shows, because this obviously transformed your lifestyle from being an employee to like, oh, wow, like I can replace that income fairly easily. So that is been a kind of a driving force for you when looking at other shows to get on as a guest to where those are the kind of shows that we're looking on looking for for you, because those are the people that you can really make a huge impact on their lives, right,

Bronson Hill:

there's a term called Blue Ocean marketing. You know, basically, there's this idea, and there was a book that came out about the strategy that there's a lot of people like if I just stay in the real estate space, or in the investing space, it's kind of a red ocean mean, there's lots of sharks in the water, and they're fighting for the same fish. And there's all this blood in the water, whatever. Versus if you get out to an area where there's not a lot of real estate people, not a lot of investing people in the lifestyle or entrepreneur other space. It's a way that I can really help educate people in that space that don't know a lot about oh, can you actually passively invest in real estate without having to manage toilets and tenants and getting calls in the middle of night? Yeah, it's absolutely possible to have passive income. So I love being able to do something a little bit different, and really serve an audience that a lot of people are really not serving. So that's why I love and I think that's applicable to anybody's show is just trying to get something a little bit outside of what you would normally think the type of person would be in and then go reach, you know, somebody outside of just your own industry, which I think can make it really give you give your show a much wider audience.

Michelle Abraham:

Absolutely. I had that experience this summer, I normally speak in entrepreneurial conferences where I'm the podcasting person, but I went to a podcasting festival and I was like, Wait a second, everyone here is doing the same thing I'm doing. So yes, I can totally relate. Awesome. So how long have you had your show for?

Bronson Hill:'s been you know, maybe about:Michelle Abraham:

And I can tell you still really enjoyed it. And that's the way that for only a year. That's a great, that's a great thing. So I noticed that you guys do a really great job of promoting your episodes, you do a really great job on social media. So tell us a little bit about your strategy, what you guys are doing there?

Bronson Hill:

Yeah, so we have a plan. I mean, it really, I think one thing I've learned about my business, particularly having a thought leadership platform, or if you're somebody who's an influencer. And if you have a podcast, really you are an influencer, you're basically reaching people, you're creating an audience. And so the more ways you can connect with your audience, the better. So we have a process. And again, I've created, you know, repeatable processes, you've created a Google document or some sort of here, we do this in this case, and we send it out here and we send the guests here you have your episode went live, and we post on social media, LinkedIn, and Facebook was where most of the people that we're trying to reach are on, and we're trying to shift to do some of the other platforms as well. But it's just having those repeatable processes and tagging the right you know, tagging the guests on there, letting them know, their their episodes live. And it's amazing that you know, just by putting things out there, people connect with your stuff. And I'm always amazed when people read my emails, or they listen to podcasts, or they, you know, download them, there's something that they're finding value from, that's really what we're doing is we're trying to provide as much value to people as we can. So it could be through a podcast could be through an e book, it could be through a course, it could be through something, but whatever we're doing, if we can reach people, we have to reach people with the message first. And so it can be really frustrating when you're first starting because it's like man has anybody I mean, my mom's listening to this, but it's anybody else listening right? And but the more we learn about it, the more we learn how to scale is just it's just consistency, doing it day in day out every day, every week. And the more we do more I do that this the better gets.

Michelle Abraham:

Yeah, like consistency really plays a key role in this for podcasters. And it's interesting, because you know, 75% of shows don't make it past episode 20. So in I think that's a lot to do with, like, you know, you start off with you thinking about, you're gonna talk about, you know, one thing and you end up talking about another has your messaging changed over the course of the last year and a half of you stay consistent with the same sort of messaging.

Bronson Hill:

Yeah, I'd say it's been pretty consistent. Who I'm trying to reach is the same. The intro or outro everything's the same. It's just basically continuing to keep in mind who I'm trying to reach. I didn't realize that 75% shows don't make it past episode 20. But I think, you know, if it's something that you're passionate about, and you enjoy, and I mean, there's so many topics that I love talking about around finance and around taxes and around what's changing what's happening. I mean, I could talk I probably could have a daily like there's so many thinks I could talk around it, which is so interesting. So I think, you know, whatever topic people do, you know, they're the people can shift. But it's got to be something that, that you find really interesting because when I talk about or ask questions that people will tell, Hey, Dan, he's really interested in talking about money and talking about passive income and taxes. Like, I love that stuff. And some people will be like, that's the most boring thing ever. Right? But I love it. So for me, it doesn't feel like work. It feels like like, I just had a show I did earlier, I had somebody on my show. And I just, we had an awesome conversation. It was amazing. Like, I just, we only do like a 30 minute show. But it was a man wish we had like an hour, hour and a half, I could have had so much to talk about through that. So I think it's got to be something that really drives your passion.

Michelle Abraham:

Right? Yeah, well, I think that's the key keys to keeping the excitement going and the long term growth of the show, because we really start to snowball, after a few months, it grows over month, over month over month, it was listeners, which is amazing. That takes a little bit of that, like you sometimes you feel like to push into a snowball up the hill for the first few months. And then it just starts feeling more natural and more, you get more and more listeners, which is amazing. Do you find out that you have a favorite episode that you've done? Or like, is there one that you're like, Everyone should listen to this one versus the best one? Oh, man,

Bronson Hill:

I mean, there's a bunch. Now I'm starting to put, as a show, I do these webinars, and I've started to put these on there. Right, I'm the, you have an expert panel of three experts in there. And so I've got those going out every month now. So just kind of work that into the mix as well. And and those are awesome. I mean, I get I get honestly on those I get names that I couldn't get just on my podcast, because it's a much wider audience. And then a lot of these promote to their audience will get somewhere between 80 and 300 people live, and plus the people that watch on a replay or listening on a replay. So So I love that I think so I think, you know, obviously any of the stuff I'm putting out there is great depends kind of what your interests are. I'm learning about to just I think this is something actually I'd love your thoughts on as well. But just getting people to write reviews or to put five stars, I just realized, like I even evaluate shows, based on how many reviews or how many stars they are, right? So I'm trying to get out my audience to actually go in Hey, really, you know, help us a lot. If you could just take 30 seconds go write a review or you know, put a five star we that would just mean the world to us. And, you know, something like that. So I don't know if you have any thoughts on that. But that's something I'm working on.

Michelle Abraham:

Yeah, that's a great strategy. Oh, I can give you two quick tips. And we'll get back to you. Tip number one is read the reviews out on the show. So your listeners are like get some FOMO that like I want him to read my review too. So if you read out the reviews on the show, and thank them for the review, I actually got a card in the mail thanking me for giving someone a review. And they said that they shouted it out on episode 169. So thanks for the review. And we shattered it out, which was that was cool. Like, how cool is that I got a card available at that. And then the second thing is you can always do a contest too. So that's something we help our clients see when they're watching. Is you a quick, quick contest to help them boost that. That momentum of getting people to their show and giving them some reviews right out of the gate. I also have on my intake form, please leave us a review and listen to the episode before you come on as a guest. Now, I'm gonna say Not everyone, sometimes I do have the option to click, I'll do it after the show. I would say not everyone is definitely does that or not do that. But you know, that is a place that you can also encourage people is your guests to come on and leave a review. At least you know, they've listened to the show before they come on.

Bronson Hill:

Yeah, that's a great idea. No, I need to add those are both awesome ideas. So thank you for all through though. Yeah, you're

Michelle Abraham:

welcome. So those are just a couple little tips there for you. And now have you had a really great podcasting gassing experience, like have you got on a show like this show is amazing. This is such a great experience. Yeah, yeah,

Bronson Hill:

I've had a number of them for a number of reasons. One, it's been you know, somebody you know, I've been now a guest, you know, through your organization, you know, you guys have placed me on a lot of shows, which has been awesome. And you know, doing that as you get introduced to some really neat people. And one was this book that I had read by a guy named Phil town called rule number one. It's teaching about how you value stocks and investing and this guy had created. His name's Sean Tepper had created a whole software program on how to use this method, through you know, their service, and it's not that expensive. I was like, This is awesome. Like, I wish this was around years ago, I would tell him to use this. And so just some great connections like that things that you didn't know or things I didn't know about. And then it goes from, you know, actually, I just had one that I was the guest on the other day, and I actually had Sean on my show, and I actually have this another guy that I was booked on his show, and I'm having him come on my show. So you know, it's just amazing how, you know, a lot of these worlds, you really do have a lot of synergies, but you don't know until you go and when you're a guest. It's actually not that high of a commitment. You have a 30 minute conversation and you see if there's a connection and you never know, you know, maybe there'll be a way to work together, do some business. So it's kind of neat how that's a great way to get connected to people as well.

Michelle Abraham:

Yeah, and I think that's a really great strategy for you like as a podcast host to the show up as a guest, you know how much work goes into those shows. So like you, I think you were like much better guests than someone who doesn't have a show because he kind of understand what it takes to put it out there. Right. So you're gonna show your best and do really great job for that host. Yeah, absolutely.

Bronson Hill:

Yeah, you know, what they're looking for, you know how to make it easier. And, and as I said, it just helps you. I mean, the more we do, I think 10 videos on YouTube a month, you know, we do four, I do four explainer videos, you get up to four podcasts and go up on YouTube. And then I do this kind of panel. And sometimes we have some breakouts from the panel. So usually around 10 videos, but the more the more opportunity you have to speak, you should take it. And I think it just as a great way to help you grow as an individual, as well as you know, just help you reach more people.

Michelle Abraham:

Yeah, I love it. And when you're going out there and being a guest see, like, it helps you like, get that clarity in your messaging to like, the more times you see it, the more times you're, you know, reiterating the things that you talk about, I think the more concrete and confident you get at your messaging, and clarity have on what you speak about, which is also a really huge benefit of being

Bronson Hill:

absolutely 100%. And that's great.

Michelle Abraham:

Do you have any advice for people? So some of our audience haven't launched there? But I guess Yeah, they've been thinking about it. give any advice. And if you were to rewind the clock, what if anything that you would do different than what you did.

Bronson Hill:

So honestly, this is actually, this is a little embarrassing, but this is actually like my third attempt at a podcast. Over the years, I started one years ago, we recorded the eight or 10 episodes, it was going to be called all in entrepreneur, we'd never launched anything out of partner, he just didn't, we didn't launch anything. And then I was going to launch one a few years ago, and then I found from an a partnership, I think I'd recorded probably, you know, four or five episodes, and then I just never launched it. And so, you know, the amazing thing is once you get started, and there are groups that can help and uh, your group can help as other groups that can help with actual the production of podcasts. And I just think it's worth paying for stuff I didn't like paying for anything when I started. Now I pay for lots of things, because I realize it frees up my time. And so it feels overwhelming, or the tech side or all this stuff feels like a lot, just, you know, find people to help you because it's not that expensive. And you know, it's something that once you actually get started, you have something to lead people to, and you're out there actually creating value for other people. So I think the biggest thing is, you know, there's that saying that the best time, it's an old Chinese proverb was the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. But the second best time is today. And so it's just kind of like you know, at all, you can just make the decision, like, I'm going to do it, I'm going to start by, you know, 30 days or two weeks and just do I just do whatever it takes, and you'll get it done. And so it's actually not as hard. And now with all the technology, I just record a zoom thing like what we're doing here and you send it off to someone and they just take it and package it and put it together. So it's not actually that much work.

Michelle Abraham:

What makes it fun for you, because then all you got to do is the fun part, which is recording you how to do the rest of exactly why I have a podcast agency because I didn't want to do all the extra stuff came from secretly my own experience. I can totally relate. It took me four years to launch my podcast. And it was just I just didn't know why I didn't want to get committed to a single topic. And until I realized that it can change and evolve with you as your business changes and evolves and you can have that real life and again, so that fear of getting started. I wish I had just like conquered that they want instead of four years.

Bronson Hill:

Yeah, totally. I also say to another thing is the repurposing of content I like do my podcast, I call it the mailbox money show. And so I do add video and do it audio and I get as much you know, on the on the video side of it the audio so I say do on video as well. Because zoom records both you just have it, you send it out. And then you can also use it for repurpose clips, you can use it for different things in the future. So the idea of just you just creating content, I mean, a lot of people that I follow say you shouldn't be able to try to find a way to repurpose content five times, right? You can do it, you can put a post about it, you can maybe create a blogger transcript around it, you can have clips taken from it, and you can have it turned into little social media things. You know, obviously you go on Instagram or other places if there's some really good information that's shared. So I think all of that stuff is super valuable.

Michelle Abraham:

Yeah, and you know, if you think about it, too, you've just created haunch content now with your podcasts when you've repurpose at all, instead of thinking of podcasts, and I've heard some people I don't want to start a podcast. It's like another thing I have to do. Well, if you make it the thing you do, you have to worry about the other things right because you have hovered, you have it all covered already with all the extra things you can pull from your podcast content was one of the things I love it actually saves you time in the content creation side of things instead of having to do another thing another post for this and other posts for that. And I noticed that's one thing you're really great. I said when you go on as a guest on other shows you're really good at promoting the show with the content that they've given you. So when you've been a guest on what are some things that people have given you to promote with

Bronson Hill:

so often they'll give you know after when the show is going live, they'll say here's all the links So we'll have my my virtual assistant, my team helped create a link of yours, I was honored to be on this show, or if I'm tag, a lot of people will tag you on social media. So then you can just share and say, Oh, this was such a great interview, or I really enjoyed talking about this or, and so it's just another way to that. Really, the goal of whatever your purpose isn't doing a podcast is as you grow your personal brand. It's the idea of trying to be everywhere, right that people look and I go to events, but oh, my gosh, you're everywhere online. Well, I'm not really doing a lot of stuff. It's just I'm being tagged on things. I'm doing interviews, and then the systems and teams and people just do all this for me, which is great. But it gives a perception that oh my gosh, you're just everywhere. And you're an influencer whatever. But you have this it's like the omnipresence right Everywhere I look, I see you on all the different platforms, I see you doing this and that. And that's what you want. Then people started to say, Oh, wow, this person is really serious. They're doing this. They're adding value. They're all these things are, are happening. And that's the that's the cool thing about being guests on shows or being a part of having your own show.

Michelle Abraham:

Yeah, that's awesome. That, um, the presence is so cool. Right? Yeah, secretly, you're not even on social media anywhere.

Bronson Hill:

So it's really funny when you meet people that like they're not there personally on social media at all. But they're getting like millions of views. It's like just a team. That's like taking all this stuff or this footage, you're like, is that really like? Is that kind of cheating? I don't know. But you know, it works. Because then they have a lot of great things to share. And it's totally the way things work now. So yeah,

Michelle Abraham:

I was telling a class I was teaching yesterday on podcast guessing I was telling them, I've never logged into my Instagram account. Like, I know, I don't do Instagram. Someone else does. I do. Facebook, I'm always there. You just got to pick the ones that you like, right? Yeah, exactly. That's awesome. So So any last words from you, Bronson. Before we let you go, this has been really helpful. I think for people that are sitting there thinking about starting a podcast, they've got some ideas that are in place, and I didn't want anything last week to share with them. Yeah, I would say

Bronson Hill:

just, you know, get started sooner than later. You know, the sooner you can do it, the sooner you get episodes going, don't don't make the bar too high. I mean, to me, I was like, I'll just do a weekly you know, I mean, you can do a weekly if you're some people industry are doing more, just just start with something, you know, and then you can see how it goes. And I like to batch stuff up and get stuff set up where I've got a little runway where I don't have to worry about you know them, okay, I've got a month worth or three or four weeks, oh my gosh, I recorded come show today. So I'll record sometimes a few shows in a day, just to kind of get things set up for the future. So I would say, you know, again, life really has an action bias. What I mean by that is if you just take action, if you just take the steps to get toward where you want to go, you're going to correct you're going to do all I tried to do you're just gonna, you're gonna figure out along the way, but if someone's just all in their head, and we can't get out of that, and we don't start, we don't take any action. We're never gonna get there. So if you just start taking some action, you'll figure out oh, I like this or in my podcast, I'm doing this and you know, I think I'm gonna shift it over here. And, and and it's just, it's just taking the steps and doing it because I think that's one thing I've realized is if you take actions toward your goals, that's something you will never regret. If you don't take action toward your goals, you will regret that and you'll get to be whatever age they'll say, Man I wish I had quit you know, try it. I wish I had had quit my job. I wish I started that business. Well, now is the time you just do it. You just pick up the phone, you start creating the stuff you make the contacts, go to the events, whatever it is you do and they just do it. So as much as I can tell anyone it's just get started with with doing whatever it is you're you know, towards your goals.

Michelle Abraham:

Yeah, absolutely. I love it. And so where can we find more information about you working with you obviously go check out the podcast guys with his mailbox money podcast. But where else burns in you want to send people to today?

Bronson Hill:

Yeah, so I have this we help passive investors or wealthy professionals, business owners to try to find ways to reduce tax grow their their passive wealth, I have this book I wrote every concern about inflation, it's called How to Use inflation to your advantage. This is 52 color pages. It's a free download on my website at Bronson So people can go there and check it out. We also have our investor DLs where we have people that will sometimes join us on buying apartment buildings or doing we have an ATM machine fund where we partner with a large operative ATM machines. And just lots of cash flow, you know trying to help people to get toward their goal. So you can find out that at Bronson, but look forward to connect with anybody even if it's just on the on the podcast stuff as well love talking about this stuff. I'm on social media as well, so you can reach out to me they're

Michelle Abraham:

awesome. And thank you, Brad. So be a great guest for your show. Make sure you also reach out to either ESET amplify you or Bronson and to be a guest on we're having him on your show. So they so much friends and have a fabulous day FIU family, make sure you go out there and listen to some podcasts this week. And if you haven't taken a step towards taking some action and getting your response, reached out for some support, we're here to help you out. Have a great day everyone. See you next week. Bye rants and thanks. Bye. Thanks for sure.

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