Here’s the tips and tricks for working with a co-host, from the co-host herself of I AM MOM Podcast – Dimple Arora. She is also the founder of Mindful Evolution, helping teens and moms by providing a transformational education – to empower and motivate them – to be healthy, calm, connected and present. Dimple and her co-host Shaista, started the I AM MOM podcast to help moms feel happy and joyful in their parenting journey.
Don’t miss:
- What I AM MOM Podcast wanted to bring into their audience
- How Dimple and Shaista are building relationship beyond the podcast
- The secret to success of co-hosting
- The personal development as a podcast host
- How Dimple and Shaista navigate an interview with a guest
About Dimple Arora
Dimple Arora is the founder of Mindful Evolution (ME) — a parenting movement that aims to empower mothers and their kids towards positive transformation and life changing results…one thought, one emotion and one choice at a time.
Dimple is an expert in women and teen girl empowerment and specializes in helping individuals reduce the debilitating effects of stress and anxiety using mindfulness, nutrition, EFT tapping and other energy psychology modalities.
Dimple is a Certified Life Coach, EFT and NLP Practitioner, Holistic Nutritionist and Energy Therapist. She holds degrees in mathematics, business, and education and was previously employed in the corporate world and as a high school math teacher.
You can book a complimentary coaching call with Dimple on her website:
Connect with her on social media:
Facebook –
Instagram –
About About the Host:
Michelle Abraham – Podcast Producer, Host and International Speaker.
Michelle was speaking on stages about podcasting before most people knew what they were, she started a Vancouver based Podcasting Group in 2012 and has learned the ins and outs of the industry. Michelle helped create and launched over 30 Podcasts in 2018 and has gone on to launch over 200 shows in the last few years, She wants to launch YOURS in 2021!
14 years as an Entrepreneur and 8 years as a Mom has led her to a lifestyle shift, spending more time with family while running location independent online digital marketing business for the last 9 years. Michelle and her family have been living completely off the grid lakeside boat access for the last 4 years!
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This is amplify you the podcast about you discovering your message and broadcasting to the world. If you're a coach, author or speaker, you'll want to tune in. If you're looking for the best return on your time investment to get your message out to the world in a bigger way. We're giving you full access behind the scenes look of how we're running our podcasts, how our clients have found success, and what you can do to launch your podcasts today. The world needs your message. I'm Michelle Abraham, the host join my family as we unleash your unique genius and find the connections you need to launch your venture today. Join us and let's get amplified
Michelle Abraham:Hello, hello amplify you Michelle Abraham your host today I am joined by my friend Dimple Arora. Hi, how are you?
Dimple Arora:I'm doing so well. Thank you for having me.
Michelle Abraham:You were welcome. And so Dimple is half of the host of the I AM MOM podcast her and her friend Shaista host this amazing podcast. So it's called I AM MOM, parenting podcast. And we had the pleasure of privilege at amplify you to help them go from idea to launching their show. And now it's been launched for a little while. So I thought this would be the perfect time to bring people in and chat all about your guys's podcast journey and what it's been like for you guys and how you have to if you have some advice for people who are thinking about starting a podcast still. And yeah, we just wanted to dive into that. But before we do, let me tell you guys a little bit more about Dimple. She is a holistic wellness expert. She specializes in helping specially teens and parents overcome all the traumas that we have, but focusing on not only our mind, but our body or stress, anxiety. I've done an interview with her on our blissful parenting podcast all about using EFT to help kids with big emotions. So this is the kind of amazing content you're gonna get when you listen to the I am mom podcast. So Dimple take us back to well, first of all, how did you guys meet even first? And then how did you guys come up with the idea of starting a podcast?
Dimple Arora:Oh, I was thank you for that introduction. It was such a privilege to meet Shaista. So both of us coach kids, and I have a background in high school teaching. And she's currently a kindergarten teacher. So we came together during COVID times, because we wanted to bring something to families to help us make a greater impact for families that needed help. So we met through a course that we both took together on creating a life coaching program for kids. Cool. So we met through there, and we were doing these mastermind groups with other parenting coaches. And then she actually asked me to come on to one of her programs to teach some moms who had just had babies during COVID. So I did a, I did some sessions for her classes, where she was providing something to moms because she had just had a baby during COVID as well. And there was nothing out there because moms were feeling so isolated. So I came on there taught a few sessions for her people. And we decided to start this podcast because we thought how can we make an impact for parents during this time when they do not have their village, or they do not have other moms to reach out to or meet up with and we want it to get the information out there so badly. And I've been wanting to share so much information for so long. I wish I even started my podcast earlier, to be honest.
Michelle Abraham:always says that right? Including myself. I said that too. I wish I started four years earlier.
Dimple Arora:Yes. And I could have been teaching all this stuff a decade ago. I feel like but divine timing, of course. Right. So she's done. I had the idea. And we thought how do we? How do we teach moms to feel happy and joyful during this journey of parenting? And but not only just because everybody talks about oh, you know, be a blissful parent. But how do you do that? What are the steps that you need to take to do that? So that's what we wanted to bring to our audience.
Michelle Abraham:That's awesome. And I love what you said about like, during COVID Like that village wasn't there and it's so true and so interesting, like, remembering back to when I had my first kids and my kids are first having my first one. how important that was to like You know, get together with the moms go for walks with the strollers commiserate about all the lack of sleep and breastfeeding problems we're having right. And I have I can't imagine what was it been like to have a baby during COVID where you can do that couldn't get together with other parents and what a fantastic idea to like take that on to the podcast. Now we're, a parents can tune in. And for some of our audience, this is this really resonates with my personal story. But why I started podcasting in the first place. Because when I was a new mom, I turned I was struggling in to find motivation, and I turned on the podcast. I didn't find any parenting podcasts at that time, I found some business podcasts. But had I found some parenting ones that would have been really amazing to the time I was listening to business podcasts, which then motivated me inspired me and got me moving, put my earbuds in take my son in the stroller for a walk. And so seeing the impact it had on my own personal mental health was huge. And so I can only imagine how the moms feel when they listen to your show and realize that they're not the only ones. There's a community, there's a village. And in fact, your guys show has really like, I want to say like, without putting it. In other words, it's really taken off, like just the amount of people and support you've had behind it. What's that journey been like for you guys?
Dimple Arora:Oh, wow, it's been so rewarding. It's been so fulfilling to be able to use my voice, to share this information and have messages come in to say, I really loved your episode on this. It really helped me to get through that week, or I your podcast is so inspirational. Thank you so much. I've learned so much. It's just so heartwarming, to be honest. Right? And, and I'm so honored that it's having the impact it's having. Yeah, that's amazing.
Michelle Abraham:And you know, I mean, as a podcaster, there's nothing worse than you go out there and your content, you're sharing your message, and you're like, Hello, is anyone there, like not getting that feedback back? So where are people giving you guys that feedback? Is it on social media? Is it through email? How are you receiving that?
Dimple Arora:I had a WhatsApp message today, on WhatsApp
Michelle Abraham:channels are coming to you
Dimple Arora:on on Instagram, but you know, I have had those days or those weeks where I feel like is anyone listening? How do I how do I increase our listener? Or the amount of listeners or how we're reaching people like that? I feel like that's something that we're working on. And it's evolving. And it is something that I feel you been concerned about, because I want more people to be listening and to have access to this information. And there's so many podcasts out there and to even be found is such a privilege.
Michelle Abraham:Yeah, well, and you get that feedback initially is so great, too. So now, you have more of that, right? Because yeah, you know, you're onto something people are resonating with what you guys are saying what you're doing. So have you guys, what's the extension from the podcasts you guys have? Are you funneling people into a community into a program? How are you building that relationship beyond the podcast?
Dimple Arora:So that is something that I'm definitely working on right now. Michelle, I'll have to say truthfully, it's been just sharing the information. There's no funneling there's no nothing beyond that at this time. But I do feel that it is the next step. So that's something that I'm diligently working on. Because I do want to provide more than just the podcast, I want people to be aware of what I offer what my services are, I want to give them as much value as I can possible on the podcast and off of the podcast,
Michelle Abraham:right? Yeah, no, that's perfect. I think those communities come over time to write you gotta build the foundation first. Speaking of which, like how do you guys handle being co hosts? I know, that's a question a lot of people ask, like, it's more fun to do it with someone else, which is awesome. But then oftentimes, partnerships or CO hosts, they don't make it past launching, and you guys have made it past a lot of change. You've made a pass a year already. Right? I think we're over a year and you guys are still thriving. So what's been your kind of secret to success in that cohosting partnership.
Dimple Arora:So June will be a year for us. And we stay consistent. I believe consistency is the key. So shyster works full time as a as a kindergarten teacher. So we've dedicated Fridays to our recording days. And somehow through the beauty of the universe, every guest that we've had has been able to make that small sliver of time slot that we have available on Fridays. Exactly. So that's the way we've been doing In terms of the technology, we have a great I mean, going to amplify you has been the greatest podcast production company. So we don't have to think about that part. And then after in terms of the marketing, that's where I, I struggle a little bit because I want to just get it out there and put it in all the places, and shysters a little bit more occupied with working full time. And so she has somebody else doing the marketing for her. And I do feel like that has been a little bit of a struggle. But in terms of our motivation, our message, we're intention behind the podcast, we've just been very consistent. And we haven't wavered in our energy for it.
Michelle Abraham:Right? Yeah. Which is so important. And I'm sure you guys are checking in with each other regulators is still working, this is still going well, like you're still loving this. And I think that's an important piece that as long as you're still loving it and still having an impaction it's a positive thing. Like most people, is that the most fun thing you doing your business? Because a lot of people
Dimple Arora:it is it is the best part of my business. At this time. I absolutely love it. I put my whole heart and soul into it. I don't mind spending extra time marketing, or writing show notes or edit, you know, figuring out the edits. Like actually, we barely edit only the last few episodes, I was like, I need to add it a little bit. But I was just like, give it all raw, whatever it is it is. Right. And so I do i Yeah, it's I love it. That's awesome.
Michelle Abraham:So for those people who are maybe listening to this episode, saying, I want to start a podcast like how do I find a co host? Or like, what's something like I know for you guys, it was kind of divine timing. And like, let's let our audience though. You guys are literally on opposite sides of the country. So like you're not like best buds from down the street like you guys, as you mentioned, you met online, you went in a group you live on opposite sides of Canada. So for people who are thinking about having having a co host, what are some suggestions that you have for them, and they loved your consistency. I think that was perfect.
Dimple Arora:I believe that having a co host is amazing Shaista and I, we felt like we needed that support in the beginning, right? If somebody feels confident enough to launch a podcast on their own, they should go for it. Because it's you get to be able to speak your truth. And as you get into the flow, you'll be able to just share so openly whatever you want, anytime you want. I love having a co host who shares the same mission as I do. So if you do have a co host, it's important to share the same similar missions and intentions for why you're doing it.
Michelle Abraham:Right, we have a super helpful and making sure like in keeping the energy of two, I think that's really helpful having a co host for that energy. What we're seeing a lot of empathy right now is CO hosts that started a podcast together, that then the each one is spring off and start their own as well as having the co hosted one together. So any plan for you guys to have multiple podcasts now.
Dimple Arora:It's It's so inspiring. It's so inspiring to have a podcast because you also get inspired through your guests through the information that you're sharing. And you want to keep sharing more and more and more. So there's no plans right now, but so far going strong. And we'll see how we'll see how your two goes.
Michelle Abraham:That's awesome. Yes. As I was sharing with you when we were recording the versatile parenting episode, like I love hosting that podcast because I've become such a better parent like the development that happens as a podcast host, no matter what your subject is, you become such a better person when you're using your voice and exercising it. But you you're gleaning off of these amazing experts you're talking to as well. And I'm sure with the CO hosting too, that's really helpful because you guys get to share a lot of your own content, but you also have guests How do you guys navigate having a guest? Like do you have like a signal as to like what to say between like, like, okay, it's your turn to ask question or your turn to ask a question guys like signal each other. We just have in that vibe and know each other.
Dimple Arora:While we're recording with a guest to we just put all our trust into the universe. There's no There's no signaling there's it's just this flow that just happens automatically every time and it's always so beautifully guided. And I feel like our guests that come on there, there's so also there's this alignment that happens with the three of us and it's just powerful.
Michelle Abraham:That's cool. I'd like that you guys are just so unsynched that it happens naturally, really well. And that's great. Now I want to congratulate you guys because as some of our audience knows, I do write for podcasts magazine under the category director of kids and family. And I had the pleasure of reading you guys as an under the radar podcast this month in Paris Hilton was on the front of it. So how cool is that to be in a magazine in Arizona. And I guess I just wanted to say congratulations to you guys, because I felt your show is a show that needs some more visibility, because it is so incredibly you guys have done such a great job. And so I hope that that under the radar is giving some more visibility. And I can see your community rallying around you guys. from the, from the excitement that you guys were in the in the magazine.
Dimple Arora:Thank you so much, Michelle, that was such a beautiful surprise. And for you to be in this industry and flow with it so beautifully. It just inspires us so much more to have a mentor and a leader like you in the industry, it really gives us that comfort. And it makes us feel more at home and what we're doing to be honest, so thank you so much
Michelle Abraham:Your welcome where you guys are totally deserving of a and I love that we were able to showcase her show. And like, really like hopefully other people have seen the amazing show that you have got some more listeners and subscribers for your show. And just so that you guys can continue on this mission that you have to really help parents and families thrive in a family environment at home. That's so helpful. To everyone do want to share with our listeners a little bit more about what you do specifically, before we let you go. Sure, thank
Dimple Arora:you. So I am the founder of mindful evolution, I coach kids, tweens and teens to reduce the effects of anxiety and negative emotions and optimize health. So I use a holistic and integrative approach in my coaching, which focuses on improving mindset processing emotions, optimizing gut health for better mental, emotional and physical health outcomes.
Michelle Abraham:How awesome is that? It's really great, because before we were recording the Bissell parenting interview, I was stumbling over my words. So we had to start the recording again, which doesn't happen very often, but had to today, it's been a long day on the computer. And this exercise of doing some tapping in Figure Eight around my eyes and over my eyebrows was amazing. It was like I drink a cup of coffee. So much more awake. And my brain was working a lot better all of a sudden. So I have to thank you for that today. That really helped me, you know through the computer through the computer late afternoon like fuzziness. Without the caffeine though.
Dimple Arora:It happens it happens to all of us for sure. I'm doing that I'm doing that exercise all the time
Michelle Abraham:is great. So for those of you just before you get on to a podcast interview, great thing to do. So dimple before we let you go, any last words for our audience out there thinking maybe starting a podcast or just launched your podcast and are ready to take their message to the world.
Dimple Arora:I want to tell anyone who's launched a podcast or who's thinking about it, to go for it, to really have belief in yourself, that what you're putting out there matters, that your mission matters, your story matters. And the right people that need to hear it will come the listeners will come and it's a matter of staying consistent and believing in yourself.
Michelle Abraham:Who I love that and if you don't believe in yourself, take my belief and run with it because I believe in you. And I believe that you guys should get your message out there into the road because even no matter if there are 2.8 million podcasts out there you are not out there with your message. And as you can see from difficult choices example of how exciting it is to get your message out into the world and what a big impact can make the world and how cool is it to hear the impact you're making back into your inbox and into your into your roles like oh my gosh, people are listening. This is awesome. So thank you so so much symbol for being with us today. It's been awesome to have you and just Congratulations on all your guys success. Guys go make sure go check out the I AM MOM parenting podcast with Dimple Arora and Shaista Fatehali. So go check it out. And man until next time guys go out there. Your uniqueness is your genius to amplify it to the world desires. Have a great week. Thanks Dimple.
Dimple Arora:Thank you. Bye.
Michelle Abraham:Bye.