Jennifer Takagi is the amazing woman behind the mic of the Destined For Success podcast. She’s inspiring entrepreneurs to lead with integrity so they can build the best team to drive productivity and profitability. In this episode, Jennifer joyfully shares her podcasting experience, and how being a great leader could lead you into success.
Don’t miss
- How her podcast impacted her life as well as the others.
- What would make a great interview – Be a fantastic podcast guest.
- If you don’t have an audience, it’s really hard to sell a product or a service.
About Jennifer Takagi
Jennifer Takagi is the founder of Takagi Consulting. She is a 3X time Amazon.Com Best Selling-Author, Certified Jack Canfield Success Principle Trainer, Certified Professional Behavioral Analyst and Facilitator of the DISC Behavioral Profiles, Certified Change Style Indicator Facilitator, and Certified Coaching Specialist – leadership entrepreneur, speaker and trainer.
She is helping women discover the power of their purpose by tapping into their truths, honing their intuition and trusting themselves so they can have the clarity and confidence to create the next level of success they desire. Jennifer believes that when a woman allows her soul to lead, she’ll stop struggling and find the fun, fulfillment and financial growth she craves.
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About About the Host:
Michelle Abraham – Podcast Producer, Host and International Speaker.
Michelle was speaking on stages about podcasting before most people knew what they were, she started a Vancouver based Podcasting Group in 2012 and has learned the ins and outs of the industry. Michelle helped create and launched over 30 Podcasts in 2018 and has gone on to launch over 200 shows in the last few years, She wants to launch YOURS in 2022!
14 years as an Entrepreneur and 8 years as a Mom has led her to a lifestyle shift, spending more time with family while running location independent online digital marketing business for the last 9 years. Michelle and her family have been living completely off the grid lakeside boat access for the last 4 years!
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This is Amplifyou the podcast about you discovering your message and broadcasting to the world. If you're a coach, author or speaker, you'll want to tune in. If you're looking for the best return on your time investment to get your message out to the world in a bigger way. We're giving you full access behind the scenes look of how we're running our podcasts, how our clients have found success, and what you can do to launch your podcasts today. The world needs your message. I'm Michelle Abraham, the host. Join my family as we unleash your unique genius and find the connections you need to launch your venture today. Join us and let's get amplified.
Michelle Abraham:Hello, I'm here with another one of our featured podcasters Jennifer Takagi of destined for success podcast. Jennifer, how are you?
Jennifer Takagi:Oh my god. Michelle. I'm so good. I'm so excited for Potter palooza. Yay.
Michelle Abraham:Well, we're super excited to have you with us. So tell us a little bit about your podcast. So what's it all about?
Jennifer Takagi:Well, destined for success, you can take that kind of any way you want to. I have a lot of podcasts around leadership development. Because to be successful, you have to be a great leader. It doesn't matter if you're a leader in corporate government or as an entrepreneur, you have to lead well. Also in the last Oh, I don't know several years, I've ended up on a spiritual path. And I have done a lot of work around energy healing with Reiki Akashic records, Emotion Code, Body Code. And by releasing all the things that are keeping you back, then you have even a better chance of being a successful leader. So I do believe that we are all destined for success is just what path we're gonna take to get there.
Michelle Abraham:Amazing. And if you want to hear really crazy episode, go listen to the episode where Jennifer interviews me about how she did some abundance clearing with me. And then 100 grand showed up in my life like seriously, it was crazy. So go and listen to that episode. You don't want to miss that one. It was an awesome one. I love it, gentlemen. So what is some things like you've had your podcast now for a few years, we help you launch it a couple years ago. And it's just been growing and growing and growing. What is some? Is podcasting changed your life or your outlook in some way? Or how has it impacted your
Jennifer Takagi:life? I think the most important thing is you don't always have people leave you an interview. So you don't really know who you're impacting, or how. And I have season tickets to the Oklahoma City Thunder NBA game. And my friends and I all go to the same bar and have dinner and beers before the game. And there was a bartender who left and went to work at another restaurant. Then a group of us were there one night, and she came in it was so exciting this year, because it's kind of like Cheers, everybody knows your name. You walk in and they start pouring your beer, they know what you want. And she was getting ready to lead you and she tarnish his Hey, Jennifer. And I was like, hey, Misty. And she goes, Hey, I wanted to let you know that I listened to your podcast every week. It's amazing. And I'm such a better leader because I've been listening to your podcast. And I was like, wait. And she is the manager of a super busy high end restaurant. And she's been listening to my podcast, I guess for a long time. And it's impacted her life. And the other day randomly, I got a text message from somebody, Leslie, friend of mine, I'm gonna say we're super close acquaintances. Like we run with the same crowd, we run into each other. And she texted me and she goes, Oh, by the way, I just want to let you know, I listen to your podcasts all the time. And it's so inspiring. And I was like, Oh, my God, like why? And then I talked to her son in law. And he goes, Hey, did you know that Leslie, since the whole family links to your podcast every week, so that we listened to it? Okay, so I just want to say, I feel like I just sit here in my office and talk to myself. And so to find out that you're impacting people's lives, and they're following and listening. I mean, it's so heartwarming, it's so hard for me
Michelle Abraham:and makes it all worthwhile, right? Because sometimes you're sitting here like, Hello, is anyone listening to you? You know, sometimes for podcasters. Like that's one of the best things is like, reach out and give them some feedback, because we'd like to know that there's people listening.
Jennifer Takagi:I mean, Leslie, when she was like, Oh, my gosh, your podcast is so great. And I said, Oh my God, would you consider leaving me a review? And is there any content you'd like me to talk about? Like?
Michelle Abraham:What else do you want to hear? What do you want
Jennifer Takagi:me to talk about? Like, you know, I can pick anything. When you talk about success. When you talk about leadership. When you talk about energy and energy healing and frequencies. Like the world is my oyster, I can talk to anybody about anything and I couldn't bring it back to that.
Michelle Abraham:So I love that it's so great. And so you're going to be interviewing a whole bunch of VIPs, who are going to be podcast guests and your show coming up at pod palooza? What is a piece of advice for a podcast guests coming on to your show? I look, we've heard so many great ones so far. But I'd love to hear like what would make a great interview? If a guest showed up? And did what what what do they need to do to be a fantastic podcast? Guest?
Jennifer Takagi:Um, I will say let me on the spot, Michelle, the hard question. I know. Question. Um, fortunately, this has happened very rarely. But I've had a couple of podcast guests, who did not have a clear picture of what message they wanted to share. And they never answered the question. And so as the host, I struggled to pull answers out of them. And I don't think I asked really that hard of questions. You know, like, tell me about your journey. Tell me about your path. What made you feel successful? like at what point did you feel like you like made it and were successful. And, you know, it's pretty rare. But every now and then you get somebody who they haven't really thought about what they might want to share on a podcast. So I would suggest spend just a few minutes and point out one or two things that you want to share one podcast, I told the girl I you know, I just want this to be a conversation and she has. I don't really like that. But I have three steps to do blah, blah, blah. Can I talk about that? Absolutely. Let me get started. And you can talk about that. So having an idea of what you want to talk about what you want to share instead of just like a blank slate and not being clear. Yeah, I
Michelle Abraham:love that. And you know, so for our guests and listening, one of the best things you can do is come prepared to share some really great value nuggets in your episode. So whether it comes in a conversation, or the three points or the three ways or whatever, like your guests had just the show up and be ready and have your content in your mind. Right. Yeah, I think that's a really great point. So that's awesome. And so now, Jennifer, you've had some really fun times podcasting. Is there any advice that you would give to a podcasters? Maybe listening to this and be like, Hey, I've been thinking about podcasting for a while, but I haven't hit the record button. What would you say to them?
Jennifer Takagi:I would say hire Michelle, and amplify you. I know you didn't ask
Michelle Abraham:I wasn't the answer. I was thinking here. Okay, sure. Yeah, you can hierarchical by you.
Jennifer Takagi:Okay, because I'm at the Sheldon event. And I said, you know, I keep doing all the things all these coaches told me to do, and nobody ever buys like nothing ever happens. And Michelle said, Well, Jennifer, how big is your audience? And I usually tell the story, Michelle said, you don't have an audience. That's like, that's really not what she said. But it's more fun my way. But Michelle said, Well, Jennifer, how big is your audience, I was like, I don't really have an audience. And she says, Well, if you don't have an audience, it's really hard to sell a product or a service. Like it doesn't work that way. And so, Michelle literally came up with the original name for my podcast, which I've had a little transition and change the name, which is no big deal. But she came up with a name, she walked me through what my first 10 episodes would be, like, she talked about what content I already had, that I can easily translate into podcast episodes. And then she walked me through putting it all together for her team to put it out there in the world. And so I would say most podcasters or potential podcasters would say, I don't want to invest some money. I don't want to spend money on that. I will do it myself. And I would say unless you're an entrepreneur with at least 10 hours a month if not more to do the production end of it because you don't know how you're wasting your time like go ahead and thus the money and just be done with it. I never have to even consider
Michelle Abraham:Yeah, which is great. And I mean, I think the scary statistic I heard the other day 75% of shows don't even make it past episode 20 So and I think that has to do with like what have an idea I want to get this podcast out there they get to work, put it out there, but then don't realize how much work it takes to like keep it up and keep it going. So yeah, definitely get some support in that whether it's my business to amplify you or someone else's, I definitely need that support and accountability and in that to get going and to get staying consistent too. Right. So
Jennifer Takagi:I'm pretty good with tech. Yeah, I can tell you right now, I would not be an episode. Oh, I just recorded my 200 episodes of zoom. And I would not have done that if I hadn't had Michelle and her team saying, oh, Jennifer, I need more episodes like, Where are
Michelle Abraham:ya? It's a good little like, look, even my team does that to me too. And they sent it to me today. I'm like, oh, shoot, gotta get some more episodes ready for them? And you know, I wouldn't have probably been like, and I'll just do it next week, I think
Jennifer Takagi:it would be really easy not to do it and let them slip. And then here's the problem, then you're no longer consistent because you're not coming out every week, like you've
Michelle Abraham:lost the trust of your listeners tubes, they don't know what to expect from you, because you're not predictable. Right? Exactly. I went publishing this week. I remember as a new mom listening like I my earbuds in ready to go for a walk, listening to this podcast. And if it didn't drop an episode, I would have been mad. Like, where is it?
Jennifer Takagi:So yeah, I think one of the things that you have said is that the biggest thing with podcasting is be consistent. Yeah. And, you know, there have been a few rare times where I was so late upload, uploading my information for your team, that it didn't drop till the next day. That is so incredibly rare, like in all these years, like, twice that's happened. So yeah, that consistency is key. And I'm getting some help with it. Like you don't have to do all the things.
Michelle Abraham:Yeah, exactly. You don't need you go you got the expert content. You don't need to do all the other things is
Jennifer Takagi:Michelle's team.
Michelle Abraham:Let us do the work, you can kick back and just record. Jennifer, what is what is the most thing most thing you're looking forward to part of the losing I mean,
Jennifer Takagi:last time I met some of the most amazing people and I got amazing ideas and ways that I could show up better just as a person in human being because they shared their stories with me. And it was such a great impact. So I'm so looking forward to interacting with the podcasters and meeting new people and expanding my I like to I like to collect friends. So I want to expand my circle to collect
Michelle Abraham:your collection. I love it. Well. I'm glad to have one of the friends that you've collected over the over the year. For sure. Awesome. Well, Jennifer will look forward to seeing how to play easy guys. If you've not got your pet a palooza ticket yet head on over to PATA That's P O D a palo is at a. I know it is a mouthful. But the day is so much fun. So make sure you come on out and we'll see you there. Thanks so much, Jennifer. Hey guys, make sure you go and check out Jennifer's podcast destined for success as well. You want to hear more about what she's up to, and how you can see how you can be a guest on her podcast to be covered upon a palooza. Thanks, guys.