We have 6570 days to set and shape our children to leave childhood equipped with confidence, respect and wisdom. These are the days when we have the greatest impact and influence in our children’s lives. Nellie Harden is the amazing parent behind the mic of the podcast – The 6570 Family Project. She’s helping families build self-led discipline and leadership to elevate their family experience.
Don’t miss
- How podcasting became Nellie’s one of the most rewarding experiences.
- Where did The 6570 Family Project idea come from?
- The different parts and stages of childhood.
- Parents are the architects of the family.
- The role that the podcast has played in Nellie’s business growth.
About Nellie Harden
Nellie is a Family Life & Leadership Coach that helps families build Leadership into the DNA of their family to elevate their family experience and set their kids up for a wildly successful future using their unique gifts and talents. She is a wife and mom to 4 daughters that are all in middle and high school now with homeschooling for 7 years now. She has a degree in biology and psychology, and knows that the best way to help the world is through one living room at a time!
Website: https://www.nellieharden.com/
About About the Host:
Michelle Abraham – Podcast Producer, Host and International Speaker.
Michelle was speaking on stages about podcasting before most people knew what they were, she started a Vancouver based Podcasting Group in 2012 and has learned the ins and outs of the industry. Michelle helped create and launched over 30 Podcasts in 2018 and has gone on to launch over 200 shows in the last few years, She wants to launch YOURS in 2022!
14 years as an Entrepreneur and 8 years as a Mom has led her to a lifestyle shift, spending more time with family while running location independent online digital marketing business for the last 9 years. Michelle and her family have been living completely off the grid lakeside boat access for the last 4 years!
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This is Amplifyou the podcast about you discovering your message and broadcasting to the world. If you're a coach, author or speaker, you'll want to tune in. If you're looking for the best return on your time investment, to get your message out to the world in a bigger way, we're giving you full access behind the scenes look of how we're running our podcasts, how our clients have found success, and what you can do to launch your podcasts today. The world needs your message. I'm Michelle Abraham, the host. Join my family as we unleash your unique genius and find the connections you need to launch your venture today. Join us and let's get amplified.
Michelle Abraham:host you are the host of The:Nellie Harden:Hello, thank you so much. I'm very happy to be here.
Michelle Abraham:Oh, well. It's been so great to have you here. And it's been really cool to see your podcast grow. I think what you're saying and what you're doing on it is really making an impact on your listeners. What's been your favorite thing about having your podcast so far?
Nellie Harden:Oh, hands down. It is just meeting the people. I I love getting the the information out there, the messages out there, and then hearing feedback from people. So I meet people that way. And then through the interview process and being interviewed on other podcasts, I have just met some of the most genuine, amazing people that my life would never have run into otherwise. So yeah, it's just been a really neat process of getting to know more stories. I like to say I collect people's stories. And so yeah, I love to collect people's stories help develop people's stories. And I've been able to do that more with podcasting.
Michelle Abraham:Oh, that's awesome. Yeah, I'm all about the relationships you meet through podcasting, too. Yes. So awesome. And how have you heard feedback from your audience on like, your show? Like, what are their thoughts on it?
Nellie Harden:Oh, yeah, definitely. And it's funny, you know, I hear I hear things from people on the other other parts of the world, I met someone in Madagascar that has been listening, and we started a relationship and talking. And I'm like, I never would have been able to, you know, have this relationship. That was someone that lives in Madagascar. You know, when we were talking about it, I asked my daughter, we have this big map in our dining room. And I was like, Do you know where Madagascar is? And one of them went over and pointed right to it. And the other one was like, wait.
Nellie Harden:But anyway, yeah, so great feedback on it. And it's developed over time. It's I started it last August now. And just the focus has been able to get more and more and more in tune with the direction of my work with the direction of the experts that I have on. So it's, I'd say it's been one of the most rewarding experiences and helped me as a speaker and formulating my own message as well. Podcasting has definitely been a huge impact to that.
Michelle Abraham:I love the name of your show,:Nellie Harden:Yeah, so the:Michelle Abraham:That's so crazy. I never would have thought of that memory until you started sharing me and I was like, that is so incredible. So she unique at number and so if he shares with us a little bit about like your business is now focused more like on the second stage of childhood, where that kind of big shift happens. So tell us a little bit about what you do with parents and kids and we're on what the stages that
Nellie Harden:Yeah, absolutely. So yeah, the first part of childhood is really about the building for them. Right. You are pouring everything into them, you're giving that them that physical nurturing that they need to do, and that food and water and shelter and all the things right? Think about a baby when they first can't come home from the hospital in those first few years. And then you're also giving them security, right. And so those are really the first, the two things that are really, really developed in that first half of childhood now is there some more things that are in there, the love and belonging, absolutely. But it's more so building that very strong foundation of physical insecurity with some other things. You know, I look at it as like too long triangles and the base of the love and, sorry, the physical and security is really big in the beginning and tapers off when they start to take over a lot of that of their own right toward the end of childhood. Whereas during the second half of childhood, that is where love and belonging really kick in, especially because they start having experiences outside of the family. You know, when they're younger, you as their parent are dictating where they're going, what they're eating, what they're, you know, how they're dressing, in, you know, what you're doing on the weekends, and all of this stuff. But then as they get older, they're really starting to take on some of the those responsibilities of themselves. And finding love and belonging, not just in home, but in school, in their friends circles, in their sports teams in their clubs, and all of these things so love and belonging, and then self esteem. And then definitely your confidence, respect and wisdom, which is the very top and where you want to get them before they leave their childhood experience. So that's the other triangle which starts out small and then tapers up and is the biggest part before they leave home. And in the middle, there's this you know, great, I call it the great transition in your parenting because you're going from this place of I am building everything for them to I am building everything with them. And it's this beautiful partnership that takes place where you lock arms with your kid, you're still the captain of the team, but you are locking arms with your child, because you are building their life with them. And like you said earlier I call parents architects because we are designing, planning and building the beginning of someone else's life. And that's a huge responsibility. And so during this great transition, we're really locking arms with them to go forward.
Michelle Abraham:I love that so much. Just such an inspiration for parents. You're a mom of four. You've got four daughters, and you've been homeschooling them for the last seven years, right? Yes,
Nellie Harden:yes. And yeah, it'll be interesting. So when COVID hit and everyone had to start well, not everyone, but yeah, first joined. Yeah. And so it was interesting. And that's, you know, when I started moving into helping families develop disciplines in that way, I've been working with family and creating positive disciplines for 10 plus years now. But when the pandemic hit, you know, I started helping in the school way, and it was interesting. And then, you know, that has, mostly most kids are back to school now. So. But it was a beautiful thing to be able to help parents look at their children in a different way and have to learn how to, okay, so I'm always the one being the dictator and telling them what to do. But now I have to teach them something. And so that was a fun dynamic to play with back then. But yeah, it was I started with that back then, and working with families for a very long time. And we're health and wellness and disciplines and even safety. And it really has accumulated up to this point. And I just, I'm very equipped and why started working specifically, I work with the second half of childhood and then even more specifically with young women appearance of young women in the second half of their childhood. Just because I was a young woman that wasn't ready for adulthood. And when I went away after I got my, you know, adulthood keys, you know, you pass that magic time now you're an adult, I wasn't ready and I really got into some hurts in and bad situations that really took decades now to face and heal from. And then I was equipped with four daughters of my own, who are four very different daughters. And so learning how to do that plus, I serve local and global communities of young women and so it really just was a calling to kind of focus in on that place there.
Michelle Abraham:Love it, how what was the role that the podcast has played in your business growth, um,
Nellie Harden:connections for sure on building connections in order to do more things and also just a way that I can get the lessons and messages out, that are helping but also broaden the scope of things, I bring in so many amazing experts to speak. So I do half and half, half of the messages or mine, half of the messages are interviews with these guest experts. And so it's been able to more broaden the scope of perfect example is, I am not a financial expert, but I know how important money mindset is, and that you're developing within your childhood, right? So I bring money experts in specifically to speak to what parents could be doing in the second half of childhood to help your child develop good money mindsets, instead of lack, or, you know, dependency and all of these things. So, yeah, that's a perfect example. Right
Michelle Abraham:there. Yeah, that's a great example of mechanism. So so and so. Your podcast is just almost see us about three quarters of a year old now. How many episodes do you have now?
Nellie Harden:Um, let's see. I think I have so many recorded ahead. So it's hard to I think I'm right around maybe 36. Sounds about right.
Michelle Abraham:Keeping up on that 50. Mark.
Nellie Harden:I know. I'm gonna throw a party.
Michelle Abraham:Yeah, absolutely. So for those people who are in our audience today that are thinking about still thinking about their podcasts, what would you say to them,
Nellie Harden:I would say, you know, nothing is going to be perfect before you pull the plug to do it. And someone gave me some great advice long before I ever actually started podcasting. And, but it was when I was starting to percolate on the idea. And they said, it doesn't matter who you are, if you are the you know, the big dogs, you got the Brendon Burchard, and the Amy Porterfield and all this. And they said, if you if those people go back and one of them was speaking, I don't remember who it was, I was at a conference that had a slew of them, all these big influencers today, but they said, if you go, if I go back and listen to my first 20 episodes, I cringe. And and that is just to say, no one is going to be perfect episode one. But the actual act of podcasting gets you better. And so you won't get better until you actually get your feet in the water. And you are practicing you're delivering and how you speak and you're clarifying your message. And all of that happens as a part of the process, not before the process. And so I just say if it is in you, it's for you and go for it.
Michelle Abraham:We love it. Great advice. And you know, it's interesting that even you said this earlier that you've kind of shifted the focus, and of the content, too. And so I often see this happening within the first 20 episodes where you start the podcast thinking you're going to talk about this, but actually, when you start talking about you realize is more like over here, did that kind of happen to you as well? Or was it an intentional shift, because that was what was happening in your business?
Nellie Harden:Probably a little bit of both, I would say and I just as an entrepreneur, and I've been an entrepreneur long enough to know that the ideas, just like you said, the ideas when you start are going to shift and manifest themselves in different ways as they go along. And so being open to that and not being locked in to say, Well, when I started this, you know, last August or last July, when I started this, this is what I said I was going to do. So this is what I must do. And then having that misalignment between what you feel called in to speak into and what you are sneaking into, that's just going to like cloud your message, and what are your message. And so just being open to being on that journey, and letting your audience come along with you, because that's what we all do. And if you're genuine to that, then they'll understand that too and be even more inclined to listen.
Michelle Abraham:Yeah, I love that. Because this is where we see pod fade happening now is that there was that shift that happens in thinking that the podcast can change with you changing or shifting or getting more focused. So it's really great advice to hear because it is not it's not something that has to stay the same all the time. Which I when I first started I thought it did and I think that's what probably took me so long to get started thinking that it had to stay the same all the time, all the way through where in actual fact I think there's so much personal development that happens as a podcast host so much. Yeah, you're using your voice in a different way than probably most of us are used to so yeah, pretty awesome. I love it. I was fitting your favorite thing so far.
Nellie Harden:Um, yeah, like I said, just being with people and getting to know more people and and formulating the messages is also been great because then I have kind of a focus for the week I have something that I am working on. But man I've just learned so much from people I had A guest on that talked about what to do around the family dining room table. And, you know, it was just so funny. Like she had all these games and everything to play. And that's that episode came out a few weeks ago. Listen, though and haven't heard, but it is so good. And you know, she's a kitchen confidence coach. So it was it. But the thing is, it was so much less about cooking than what to actually do what to actually do around the dining room table. There was memes that she recommended and all of these things. So it was so fun. I was like, I want to come and eat dinner at your house. Love it. So fun. But yeah,
Michelle Abraham:can find Millie's podcast at:Nellie Harden:that is in Facebook. It's a private group. It's called The Family architects club. And you can come on in there and we would love to have you.
Michelle Abraham:Awesome. All right, you guys. Well, this has been another great behind the mic interview. And really, thanks for sharing your stories of our podcast, creation and journey with us. We appreciate it so much. And we look forward to chatting with you again after those 50 episodes. Right?
Nellie Harden:Sounds good. Sounds good.
Michelle Abraham:Awesome. All right. Amplifyou family. Go out there and have a fabulous week. We'll see you again next week. Thanks, Nellie.