Behind The Mic: Be Well with Dr. Michelle Greenwell

Listen to this week’s episode where the excitement doubles with not just one, but two amazing Michelles! Your hosts, Michelle Abraham, bring the dynamic Michelle Greenwell – the host of the “Be Well with Michelle” podcast. In this behind-the-mic interview, Michelle Greenwell, with a PhD in complementary integrative health, shares her unique approach to wellness, emphasizing the importance of movement in daily life. Her podcast strategically blends entertainment and healing components, featuring intentional goals, tea discussions, and movement activities to activate listeners’ innate healing potential.

Michelle’s journey as a podcaster unfolds in the episode, where she encourages aspiring podcasters to jump in and have fun, emphasizing that waiting for perfection can be a hindrance. Whether discussing her favorite episodes or insights gained from diverse guests, Michelle Greenwell embodies the essence of holistic well-being. Amplify your week with wellness wisdom from this engaging episode!

Don’t miss:

  • Michelle’s favorite part about being a podcaster
  • Infusing wellness into the podcast
  • The importance of scripts in podcasting, leading to strategic placement of affirmations and transformation
  • Incorporating movement into the podcast
  • Benefits of movement and exercise
  • Podcasting growth and advice for beginners

About Dr. Michelle Greenwell

Dr. Michelle Greenwell, BA Psych, MSc CAM, Ph. D CIH (Complementary and Integrative Health). Striving to support the public to choose self-care and well-being options that create ease and flow in their lives, Michelle specializes in using movement to heal the body. Her BioEnergetic Formula for Success provides a means for everyone to set their intentions and create support and action for flow and ease to the goals.

Learn more at www.dancedebut.comFollow her YouTube channel and specialty playlists. Find her full resource list here. 

She highlights her Tea Company: The Cape Breton Tea Company which you can find at Included is the specialty line of Tea with Intention, and the focus on high quality organic black tea. Including tea with your podcast listening is a unique way to explore tea, create healthy habits, and have great conversations with friends and colleagues.



Amplifyou Intro/Outro: This is Amplify You the podcast about you discovering your message and broadcasting to the world. If you're a coach, author or speaker, you'll want to tune in. If you're looking for the best return on your time investment to get your message out to the world in a bigger way. We're giving you full access behind the scenes look of how we're running our podcasts, how our clients have found success, and what you can do to launch your podcasts today. The world needs your message. I'm Michelle Abraham, the host join my family as we unleash your unique genius and find the connections you need to launch your venture today. Join us and let's get amplified.

Michelle Abraham:

Hello, hello Amplify You Michelle Abraham your hosts here today. And I'm bringing you another Rochelle today. How exciting is that? I've got a behind the mic interview today with Michelle Greenwell, the CO the host, not the co host here the cow. You're the host, the host of be well with Michelle podcast. And I'm so delighted here today. Michelle, I would love to say hi for you first before I share a little bit more about you. How are you doing?

Michelle Abraham:

Dr. Greenwell: I'm great. Thank you so much for having me. Michelle, it's great to be here. You're welcome.

Michelle Abraham:

Well, we've been planning this for quite some time. So I'm glad we finally got our schedules together to be able to make it happen. So guys, let me tell you a little bit more about Michelle. She is a god degrees like no tomorrow, but it's specifically a PhD in complementary Integrative Health. She strives to support public the Choose self care and well being options that create ease and flow in their lives. Michelle specializes in using movement to heal the body. Her bio energetic formula for success provides a means for everyone to set their intentions and create support and action or flow and ease who the goals was. I love that so cool. So you can find more about Michelle dance And also, I just found out about to Jay but she also has a tea company. That's the heat Britain Tea Company. And she does all sorts of really fun tea ceremonies and tea workshops and all sorts of cool things with her teas. So they're all designed to be aligned with the Chinese medicine and elements of that, which is super cool. So I wouldn't want to dive more into that too. But let's dive in. Michelle, tell us a little bit about how long have you been podcasting for?

Michelle Abraham:

Dr. Greenwell: I've been podcasting. I'm in my third season. snafu. Yeah, yeah, I just had the 50 for 51st Episode got launched. So

Michelle Abraham:

Awesome. I love hearing that. And you know, you've broken all sorts of records because a 75% of podcasters. So make it past episode 20. So you're, you're well on your way. So what has been your favorite part about being a podcaster.

Michelle Abraham:

Dr. Greenwell: So you and I were talking about this before we we started to record, it's the people that you meet, it is so fascinating to me. And people have incredible stories. So I love hearing how they're transformed, which is where I like to put my focus, but also the tools that they brought forward from that, and to help people with their self care. And it's, it's fascinating to me, how many diverse ways we can do that. But also how many how many success stories we have

Michelle Abraham:

So cool. So the focus of your podcast is really diving into like the transformation people have along their journey of finding better wellness. Mm hmm,

Michelle Abraham:

Dr. Greenwell: Exactly. And it's set up also so that when people are listening to the podcast, they actually get a balance. So it has a healing component to it. So you're listening, but you also get bounced at the same time.

Michelle Abraham:

And that was more How do you infuse that into your podcast? Yeah.

Michelle Abraham:

Dr. Greenwell: So it's it's strategically put together. And so there's always a goal at the beginning. And then I will ask the person about their tea that they're drinking. And I will have whatever tea I'm going to bring up, which does promote my company, but it also provides me the opportunity to promote an herb and what that herb can be doing to support. And then we'll have our conversation. But at the end, I always ask my guests for some kind of a movement activity that people could do to get out from listening to the podcast, or if they've been doing something else to be able to take a break out of that process. It activates the innate healing potential. And so by the time we get to the end of the conversation, that's where everybody's at. Yeah,

Michelle Abraham:

I love it. So they're listening and integrating at the same time. Very cool. And I love the creativity that's gone behind that. Did it take you a while to come up with that idea? Or is that something that was always like, initially in your idea for the podcast?

Michelle Abraham:

Dr. Greenwell: Well, there's two pieces to that. One is I was working on my PhD. And I would have looking at the key tools that in Canada we called bioenergetic wellness everywhere else in the world. They call it specialized kinesiology, but we thought that the tool was the biofeedback that comes from a Soma Monitoring, what I discovered was, it wasn't, there were the series of activities that we do, that always is encompassed in what we're doing. We just didn't really think about it. And those are key to what makes transformation happen. So I was working on that piece. But then the second part was, when I started my podcast, my son informed me that I should be writing a script, I shouldn't just wing it. And, and I thought, well, I know what I want to say. And I, I'm not sure I really need to write it all down. But I thought, You know what I'm going to humor him, I'm just going to go ahead with the script. And because I do the script, I have the opportunity to specifically put in things, whereas if I was to, say wing it, but it's not really winging it, because I know we, we prep for what we're doing. But I can strategically place things and I can really work on the goal. And then I always pull an affirmation card from my card deck, which helps lead that and that leads it with art. And so I wouldn't have been able to do that if he hadn't have provided that little incentive for me.

Michelle Abraham:

That's great. He's also added a little bit a layer of extra work for you too. But I think it's a good thing. Because I know that so many podcasters have those scripts. Now you could take those scripts and turn them into something else. After some of the episodes you have these, like 50 scripts now, they could turn into all sorts of different cool things, do you have plans to do anything else with your content from your podcasts,

Michelle Abraham:

Dr. Greenwell: I hadn't thought about that piece of it, it would be lovely to go back and look at goals because, of course, when something is brought into balance and flow, you forget that you even worked on that goal, or that was that was even a problem in your life. And so it's really interesting to go back and see, you know, what did we bring forward? And there's some cards too, in the card deck that come up quite a bit. Yeah. So

Michelle Abraham:

it'd be fun to see what that patterning might be. Yeah, that we really made this into, I would imagine, it would probably be also neat to kind of like put it into like a book or something to like, you know, some sort of book or PDF or something that kind of like bring them all together to like that mode other modality.

Michelle Abraham:

Dr. Greenwell: The other interesting thing is the movements that people offer, because I always asked my guests to, you know, something that they do to bring them joy, or to lift them up. And then sometimes I'll be doing something that I say quite frequently. But then sometimes I have a connection energetically with who's going to be doing the podcast, and new things get created, which is really interesting, because it's not heard anywhere else. Except on that podcast. Yeah. So yeah, to be able to compile those movement pieces would be fascinating. Yeah,

Michelle Abraham:

Yeah, that's really cool. Create, like a library of those. So fun. So what means you kind of turned to movement to incorporate into your podcast,

Michelle Abraham:

Dr. Greenwell: The people sit too much. And I know for me, I went, I went from on the road sitting like traveling in my car, going from classes, to classes, different locations, to being in front of my computer, like 24/7, like it was crazy, to a lot of hours where I'm frozen in position. But I know that for a lot of people, that's where they're at. And even when they're listening to podcasts, lots of them are driving, they may not be walking, or they might be sitting and maybe they meant to or they do a craft, you know, some so they're still not moving. And so I really wanted to invite people to think about ways that movement could be snuck into things. It's not that you had to set your exercise time aside, but that you could be doing it while you're doing something else. Oh, yeah, teach, I call it dynamic city, really teach people how to not sit at their desk, but to actually move at their desk while they're while they're doing the work. So yeah, so that links all that together.

Michelle Abraham:

Very cool. Can you give us an example? Well, if you if like notice are here.

Michelle Abraham:

Dr. Greenwell: I'm in my bare feet. But if you put your feet on the floor and connected with your feet, and then if you try to draw a circle like a clock, so from your toes, you go over to the right side, back to the heels over to the left side, and just roll through your feet. That is for stability, that can change the way you think how you make decisions, the way you might be creative in something you're working on, just by rolling through your feet. Also, when you work with your feet, you actually inspire your eyes. And so with your eyes, then which are staring at a screen, you actually have a chance to give them some relief even while you're still doing the work. And now you can take your feet from there and you could go to your pelvis and then you could roll around the pelvis the same way but use your feet as the inspiration. And they'll go in the same direction. Now new change, same direction. You could go the other way to I just pick clockwise but you'll notice that as you get to the back, the lower back if it's tight. You feel that and after. Yeah, exactly. And after you've done it a few At times, it'll start to soften up. And that's an area where a lot of stronger decision making kinds of things can get blocked. So if you have to make a big decision that will be often very tense. And so you want that to be nice and soft, and then decision making just becomes that much easier. Yeah,

Michelle Abraham:

Like it. Great. Yeah, for those of you guys that are just listening and not watching, we're, we're gonna, we're rolling circles will make you a little bit dizzy, if you were to walk through watching right now. That's awesome. I love those. It's so great to just that hyena get up and shake it out, we've got a podcast, or she's launching her show coming up. And she does one minute, one minute exercises throughout the day. So it's challenges people to go and do a one minute exercise on your every time you get up to go the bathroom or something like that. And it's kind of interesting, but just a little movements can make a huge difference, like I'm already yawning, because the oxygen is much better, just a little bit of a

Michelle Abraham:

Dr. Greenwell: Right. And then you can start to feel the energy come up the body. So if anybody that listening that they were participating with us, you might notice your feet are buzzing, that'd be the key, and that the whole circulation is changing. So particularly in your legs where you're bent at the knee, you have water gets blocked, it can't flow down to the feet, or it can't send the toxins back up to the center of the body. So you have this opportunity to start to really open and move things.

Michelle Abraham:

Yeah, right. Yeah, we just coming off of a couple of days after PATA polling is up. And Audible is live unfortunately, is one of my worst days for sitting because it's like 16 hours. And I try to stand up between each of the speakers are fan of all this because this is a long day. And oh my gosh, and my body still recovering from that. And to go for a big walk afterwards in detox and love the screen time. In the chorus, I did a cleansing bath in the forest after. That's awesome. So Michelle, what's been your favorite podcast episode that you've done? Do you have a favorite? I might not have one. But you probably like a lot of work. But do you have an absolute favorite?

Michelle Abraham:

Dr. Greenwell: That's really, really tough. Because yeah, it just so many exciting people to work with. I have really enjoyed working with Colin McLeod, who is the Celtic fiddle guru, because he's played fiddle for me on the podcast, we've done things for the chakras, we've done voyages with music. If there's a topic, Kim and I are kind of discussing just in our work, we'll turn that into a podcast, we'll say that it needs to be recorded. And we'll make podcasts with it. So that's been really fun. And my sister has joined me for season three, and every year. Yeah, so she takes the fourth, fourth week of the month. And she's focused on raising money for a family in Malawi, who have been devastated by all the storms that have passed through there. And so we do a conversation about how she thinks about asking them questions about what they need, and how she could be of assistance. When you know nothing about a country or how people function. She has this incredible way of of just slowly working through it. She's doing it all through texting. And so, so I'm learning more about my sister by sharing this podcast time. And it also gives us something else to work on together. And so I'm really enjoying that.

Michelle Abraham:

Yeah have fun. I mean, I think that's one of the coolest things about podcasting is that the creativity is all up to you, you can make it as interesting, fascinating, twisted the way you want. And each season, you have the opportunity to do something different if you want. So I'm going to love the SSH journey that's fairly fun. What a great way to bring family members closer together to work on a project. And what we did a podcast for my mom for her birthday a few years ago, two years ago. Now. You know, some of her siblings were maybe even closer to the end of their lives. And so we wanted to get at them all on, on on on interview. So we interviewed them all and we interviewed my aunts and uncles and my cousins and we did a podcast for my mom was like a private podcast as a birthday present for her. It's just It was cool. It brought us all together as family like closer to do this project. That was really fun.

Michelle Abraham:

Dr. Greenwell: That is a cool idea. I love it.

Michelle Abraham:

Well, legacy project, right, like everyone good to have all the stories. I wish I had a podcast with all my papa stars. He used to be a writer and we're all sorts of really cool stories. It would be fun to have all of those like in his voice on a podcast. I think so. Yeah. If it goes a whole business in that or in that area and genre of podcasts, right if all the all of our older generation that you know have those stories for the wars and from all the different eras they went through a nag in there growing up and you know, the black and white TV to like now and praising this and

Michelle Abraham:

Dr. Greenwell: Yeah, yeah,

Michelle Abraham:

no fun. Yeah, that's kind of a cool project. Michelle, I would love to know, what has been your your favorite part about podcasting?

Michelle Abraham:

Dr. Greenwell: Is it is it with the people it is. But if I was to turn that back around, and how have I grown out of it? Yeah, you're, you know, you talked about being able to, you know, think on the fly when you don't have a script to adjust to all kinds of technical issues that happen. And it just to be able to communicate with people in so many different ways. So for me, it's really helped me to grow and what I'm doing, and although sometimes scheduling doesn't work out, so Well, you know, other things are going on. But I've been able to just step back and go what's the most important, and then bring that back into the podcast. And that's been really fun. And also finding my own voice, because it's easy to interview other people. But this season, I wanted my voice to come through on the first week of of the month. And so I dedicated to the kinds of work I'm doing or some project I might be working on. And that has allowed me the opportunity to just speak and not be thinking about how can I promote other people, because I do that a lot, just intuitively, but that's been really fun, too.

Michelle Abraham:

So good. Yeah, sharing your own voice and getting your own voice in there. Something that I am working on as well, I have so many amazing guests I want to interview but sometimes I know what do my English. And so it's good to get to have your own voice in there. That way your audience gets to know you get to know you in a whole different level two, it's awesome. Yeah, one. So for sticking with some of the things that have helped you grow. And over the last three seasons of your podcast, one, if you're some of our listeners haven't started their podcasts yet. Or maybe you've been procrastinating a little bit like I did, when I first got started, do you have any words of wisdom now that your three seasons in for those that are still caught in the contemplation mode?

Michelle Abraham:

Dr. Greenwell: Well, and that's the interesting piece is a lot of people talk about they're going to do it, then they they say I'll do it when I have six podcasts in the can ready to go. And it's too long. If you recorded one, send it out there, you might like it, you might not like it, you might want to change something, but you could always pull it back down. And so you can put it out there, see how people react to it, see where you want to place it. And then do the next one. Because if you put a lot of work into three or six, and then you find out it's not exactly where you want it to be, you have three or six. And now you've got a format kind of underway, then you might decide you want to stick with it. You know, I'm a person that jumps when I go, this is what I want to do, or I'm intuitively guided to do something I just jump. And sometimes it gets me in trouble. But most of the time, I actually am delighted with where I ended up and what I'm doing. And the podcast, I did ask my son for assistance, because I needed to be able to record my opening part for the show and everything. And he had the ability to do that for me and even working on that, like you were talking about with family that brought him and I together on a project. But also I was able to incorporate a lot of things into just making that recording. So so all the pieces that you want to work on just just jump, don't think Don't think so much. You know, I think sometimes we try to, we want it to be perfect, and it's never going to be perfect. Yeah,

Michelle Abraham:

Yeah that analysis paralysis gets you every time you prolong prolong to show I will let you know there's a reason we call it evolving out loud podcasts in case, the more I think the more you share your story, the more you share your voice, the more you just press record, the better it gets. And, you know, if you're not embarrassed by your first few episodes, you waited too long to put them out there. So I everyone's first few episodes are not great. And you know, it's better perfect than done. I was better done than perfect is the thing not? Not the other way round. So I think that's awesome that just just get it out there and get going. This is some great, great words of wisdom. Michelle, anything else you'd like to share with our audience? Before we let you go today? And also where can they find out more about you if guides, send them to your dead Save View and also to your tea company?

Michelle Abraham:

Dr. Greenwell: Is my full resources they can find on link tree and that can be very helpful because it's a direct link to everything. Yes. So it's HTTPS, colon slash slash that lovely thing you put at the front and then li n k t debut at the A and C D Bu t that has all my resources in one spot. So I do operate as dance debut if it's anything to do with movement, and if it's to do with tea, then it's the Cape Breton Tea Company. And then I forgot the question you asked me the one last thing that you wanted me to say.

Michelle Abraham:

Oh, any last words of wisdom for our listeners today

Michelle Abraham:

Dr. Greenwell: I had one until I went into all of the other pieces. I think it would be for for podcasters to not take themselves too seriously. Yeah, you know, have fun because podcasting is fun. And the other for the listener, that for those people who are spending time listening to the podcast, set yourself up. So it's a balance when you're finished. Because you can do that for yourself. And that's, you know, make a cup of tea, put some movement in place, maybe you do, you go for your walk while you're doing it while you're listening to the podcast. But also know what your goal is before you sit out because there's the reason you chose to listen to a podcast. And it has a title that's of interest. But think about what that's going to mean to you and where you want to go with your goal. And so if your goal is maybe you want to be a podcaster, then you think about when I'm a podcaster, this is the podcaster I want to be and now that I'm a podcaster. So you transition it over, and you're listening, you're now listening with a completely different ear. So no, you have a goal before you start. Yeah, yeah, I

Michelle Abraham:

I remember when I was first listening, it was like, okay, listening for the content was good. And then we want to become a podcaster. Dan, you're listening fine. Okay, what is your interest sound like? Okay, how did they introduce that person? Okay, how was their music sound like a whole different thing here. I love that. Great reminder. Thank you, Michelle, for sharing that now. And thank you for joining me. So we've even had you've had to Michelle's from opposite sides of the Canadian coasts, one from the left coast, one from the right coast. So whenever on the East Coast, or the west coast. It's been a lot of fun having you on today. Michelle, I'm super excited to learn more about your dance debut and come and try some moves with you. I'll have to remember those moves with my feet while I was sitting so much at my desk and try to get up and move more often. And that love to have some of your teeth. So I'm gonna go check that out. amplify your family. Go check out Michelle stop at her link tree board slash dance debut. And go check out her podcast be well with Michelle Greenwell. I love that you got Greenville in your last name. So cool, is all about wellness. Michelle, thank you for being here that say amplify your family. Go out and have a fabulous week. And don't forget to check out Michelle's podcasts.

Michelle Abraham:

Dr. Greenwell: Thank you, Michelle.

Michelle Abraham:

You're welcome. All right. Take care guys.

Michelle Abraham:

Amplifyou Intro/Outro: Thank you, family for joining us on this adventure. If you're ready to be heard, head over to my podcast where you'll find out all the tools and tips you'll need to launch your podcast today. If you haven't done so already, and you need some help managing it. Please head over to manage my and the amplify your team will be happy to help you manage your podcast. Please also head over to iTunes like subscribe or review our show so we can spread this message. And until next time be your own unique genius

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