Behind The Mic: With Angela Faye One of Canada’s Podcast Hosts

Our today’s Behind The Mic Interview guest is the Co-host of Canada’s Podcast, founder of Futurville, mobilizing speaker, impact coach, a promoter and author, Angela Faye. She loves to empower purpose-driven individual & geographically connected property owners to imagine & build “Places Worth Living For”. Together with Michelle, they talk about Co-working spaces, FuturVille and Canada’s Podcast.


Don’t miss:

●      Storytelling is the evolution of intelligent marketing

●      Collaboration is 10 times more impactful than working alone.

●      The people that you choose to connect with are your collaborators, your network expansion partners, your complimentary archetypes

●      Every problem is not really a problem, it’s actually an opportunity if you combat it creatively

●      Part of the business model of CO working spaces is layering revenues

About Angela Faye:

Angela is a mobilizing speaker, impact coach, promoter & author who LOVES to empower purpose-driven individuals & geographically connected property owners to imagine & build “Places Worth Living For”. Angela leverages her own 10x Mindset, plus core competencies of business building, destination development and public relations to help others breakthrough ‘building blocks’ and access maximum happiness, social impact and profits through “place”.

Angela leads by example – her & partner each made their first $1 million by building, then selling Award-Winning commercial buildings & businesses while having the BOLD vision of contributing to Vancouver Island as ‘Sustainability Capital of the World!’

As Founder, FuturVille: the #1 Accelerator Program & Platform for independent commercial property owners, Angela is impacting the lives of entrepreneurs by empowering them to realize & achieve higher access to purpose, property and profits in today’s rapidly changing times. Angela’s vision has evolved to ‘Mobilize 1 Million purpose-driven individual and geographically connected property owners to build a place worth living for their family, community & generations to come.”

Connect with Angela:

Phone: +1 (250) 713-9409

Email: [email protected]

Linkedin: angelafaye2120

Instagram: @angelafaye2120

Twitter: @angelafaye2120

Facebook: angelafaye2120

Canada’s Podcast Team:

About the Host:

Michelle Abraham – Podcast Producer, Host and International Speaker.

Michelle was speaking on stages about podcasting before most people knew what they were. She started a Vancouver-based Podcasting Group in 2012 and has learned the ins and outs of the industry. Michelle helped create and launched over 30 Podcasts in 2018 and has gone on to launch over 200 shows in the last few years. She wants to launch YOURS this year!

17 years as an Entrepreneur and 10 years as a Mom has led her to a lifestyle shift, spending more time with family while running location independent 7 Figure Podcast Management Agency, Amplifyou. Michelle and her family have been living completely off the grid lakeside boat access for the last 5 years and loving life! 

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Michelle Abraham:

This is amplify you the podcast about you discovering your message and broadcasting to the world. If you're a coach, author or speaker, you'll want to tune in. If you're looking for the best return on your time investment, to get your message out to the world in a bigger way, we're giving you full access behind the scenes look of how we're running our podcasts, how our clients have found success, and what you can do to launch your podcast today. The world needs your message. I'm Michelle Abraham, the host. Join my family as we unleash your unique genius and find the connections you need to launch your venture today. Join us and let's get amplified. Hello, hello amplify you Michelle Abraham, your host and I am so excited today. Today I'm bringing you a behind the mic interview with Angela Fey. So Angela is one of the many hosts at Canada parched part of the Canada podcast team. So we're going to dive into what that means. But also Angela is a mobilizing speaker, an impact coach, a promoter and author who loves to empower purpose driven individuals and geographically connected property owners to build and imagine places worth living for which I love this endless. That sounds so cool. So you've also built and sold and award winning real estate development company. And we're going to dive into all sorts of goodies today for you guys. You are coming to us all the way from Vancouver Island, which is our neighbor from where I am on the Sunshine Coast. So we've been at each other across the water. And so thanks for being with us today. Awesome. Thanks, Michelle. It is a pleasure. You're welcome. Also great to interview another podcast host because I just love how we can have that interaction and that banter. And tell us all about Canada's podcast. And I know one of the other hosts as well. He was one of the very first people I met in podcasting way back in 2012. He came to my meetup groups. And as Robert is really cool to see his name on the Canada podcast team as well. So tell us a little about Canada's podcast, it seems like an amazing podcast. Well, let

Angela Faye:

me actually just start by acknowledging Robert because since he's a mutual connection of ours, my colleague is he started Vancouver's entrepreneur. That's right. It wasn't a podcast. Yeah. And he would like talk to all the movers and shakers in Vancouver. And this was a big piece of his social media company. And, you know, also his marketing tool, I'm sure. And he connected with a colleague of mine, Phil bliss. And who wouldn't want to do business with the guy with the last name Blitz? Easy. Yeah, he's a friend of mine in Toronto. And he has an intelligent marketing company called perceptible. And when Robert and Phil got together, Robert had his grand vision to take Kennedy or Vancouver's entrepreneur national, where perceptible hatsan opportunity is they were an intelligent marketing platform certain software as a service platform. And they were they had challenges servicing their clients Well, with targeted media. And so they've actually started to media brands, and one of them is Canada's podcast. So we intentionally now help connect entrepreneurs across Canada, we are intentionally positioned coast to coast, we have hosts across Canada. And we, we know that storytelling is is the evolution if you like have intelligent marketing wouldn't when you can tap into stories and emotions and you know, connect with people more deeply more intimately. And then you can actually leverage the algorithms and the data sets of the podcast itself and readership and viewership and, and you can, you know, transcript podcast into, you know, words so that people can search words and so all of these sort of intelligent marketing strategies are built into our podcasts. So really, our number one goal is to connect entrepreneurs in a more intimate way. And then, you know, obviously help them transform the world for a better future.

Michelle Abraham:

I love that. How many hosts are there and Canada's podcast,

Angela Faye:

there are eight so we have Robert Nye here in British Columbia. We really tried. We tried to focus in our geographies so that we can get a deeper call it because we have a deeper cultural understanding of the business environment per province, but sometimes we we end up doing a few interviews out of province but so Robert night in BC, we have two in Alberta. We have two in Toronto, we have two in Quebec, and we are about to onboard a new host in the Maritimes and one in the periphery answers.

Michelle Abraham:

Awesome. So I love how you guys are spread across the country. So you really develop the content that's specific to your area yet you guys are bridging the entire country and doing this in such a strategic way and pre entrepreneurs together. What a cool concept. And have you sound Have you found? Or have you seen any other podcasts that are kind of similar to this where there's so many hosts, and it kind of is doing a similar kind of thing, or you guys are really an anomaly in the podcasting space for for what we've found?

Angela Faye:

Yes, we're an anomaly in the podcasting space in so much as we are actually intentionally showcasing a national entrepreneurial movement. So, you know, and given the scope and size of Canada, you know, that this might be happening in some of the smaller European countries. I haven't discovered them yet. But I hope to, and, you know, but but trying to combat that, on a country, the size of Canada has been both a challenge, but also very rewarding.

Michelle Abraham:

I bet Holy smokes you, like spread all across Canada. And I'm sure like each province brings its own challenges to entrepreneurship and its own insights to entrepreneurship, I would, I would imagine a BC has a really strong entrepreneur presence. I feel like actually, on the Sunshine Coast here, I'm actually in a co working space right now, that is a part of the Sunshine Coast economic development organization called scritto. And the open three of these on the Sunshine Coast, because they found out that there's more than 36% of our population here on the coasts are actually entrepreneurs, and I'm sure this is similar for the island for you as well.

Angela Faye:

That's a pretty high statistic, I gotta say, 36%, that's awesome. Well, and I think what, what being coast to coast allows us to do is really tap into, you know, the entrepreneurial culture per region, to find out those stats and to find out where there might be gaps in the market or, you know, some opportunities and ecosystem building. Like it, you know, if there's a gap of not having a co working space. So clearly, that to me, that's having had a co working space for the last six years myself, that was one of my goals is, as I know that it's an essential piece of infrastructure. You know, you definitely need a gathering place for entrepreneurs to both work. And both on demand and permanently if you need it, but also where you can actually just pop, you know, the water, I call it the water cooler. Where opportunity where suddenly I'm just bumping into Michelle and said, Michelle, I'm looking for I have these challenges, suddenly you say, I can connect you with some solutions to solve that problem. And that happens all the time. Right? And quite often people end up the longer they get to know each other, they often collaborate on projects, which, which are 10 times more impactful than working alone.

Michelle Abraham:

Absolutely. I was super big advocate for co working spaces I started mine in 2013 was one of the first co working spaces outside of the downtown core area. But when I found there's a lot of education around the CO working space, because once I got out to the suburbs, it was like people were like, Well, why do we need to poke co working space? We have big offices in our houses and where it's like the city. Yeah, the small apartment, so there was more of a need for it. But we found our niche with people who worked in teams that didn't, that didn't want to work in each other's homes. And you're right, the more of these people started working together, the more they would collaborate, and I would hire them, they would hire me we would do like there's so many. It just became like one big family and it's interesting that the water cooler talk, my team was just talking about our team and amplify you. We all work virtually and remotely are yet we're all in DC as well. But we are some of us have never met because we're, you know, in but we're all geographically spread out through our province. And we're the one thing we were saying was he misses water cooler talks.

Angela Faye:

Absolutely. Absolutely. And you know, there's, I mean, it's amplified, amplified, literally, with COVID that we're all more in our home space. But you know, as as the future of work really is that we will all be distributed. We will all be you know, on our laptops working and the human connection and how those that you choose to engage with in person has a different role. Right that that does not necessarily become your day to day administration in your day to day operations. I believe the people that you choose to connect with in person are your collaborators. They are your network expansion partners. They are your complimentary archetypes right or your complementary skill set when when you focus on this in person. Wouldn't it be great if I bumped into Michelle or Evan are others that the amplify your team that, you know that can say listen, and you know, this is your skill set your PR communications business advocacy. But you know, let's back up a little Have you thought about this and having different minds to invigorates your own thinking, it's very, very difficult to put a value on that. So, you know, essentially, I'm verbose to sharing the same thing, which is co working and collaboration is invaluable, really to the new business models of tomorrow.

Michelle Abraham:

Absolutely. And I can, you know, it's funny in that same location that we started our first co working space back in almost eight years ago, there is now actually like 13 co working spaces in that one area. And it's so funny because it was like, we thought we were, we almost we did another business because it was, like people just like lag. But it's nice to see that that's where the world's going and especially COVID. I think it's kind of forced that on us a little bit too, which is so cool. So now you're the founder of future Val. So I'm gonna pivot and talk about that just for a second. So what is future Bill and I all ties in with what you're doing? I think it does as well, which is super cool.

Angela Faye:

Well, in a little bit like that, you know, every problem is not really a problem. It's actually an opportunities if you if you combat it creatively, like Robert and Phil's challenges with, you know, Robert had the vision to take Canada's podcast national, Phil had the problem of you know, having a medium that allowed the connections he was looking for, in order to grow his business, those two merged and created Canada's podcast, I have a similar story, which is, you know, I was operating a co working space for six years. My, my original vision at expanding my business was having, you know, more physical spaces. In on Vancouver Island, I had this vision of five spaces. And part of and then part of the business model of CO working spaces is layering revenues, right, it's having an investment fund where you can fund startups, it's having an event series that is more than just the locals attending. It's like in your example, having a podcast where it both is marketing and revenue generation built in. So it's really about having a diversified revenue. And this space is the leveraged asset that allows you to build a business, and what so I spent five years propagating to everybody that came into the space to go digital, make sure that you have digital revenue streams, and COVID head and I was really in that just past the good startup phase and onboarding all of my digital revenue streams. And I, you know, cash flow ends, which is all of my cash flow, which was really in the bricks and mortar side of the business, selling offices, meeting spaces on demand event space on demand, suddenly, those things were non existent with COVID. And I saw very quickly, I think we came back from Spring Break last year, with my kids, literally during the COVID crisis. And I knew immediately that this was not going to be the three week shutdown, that was first announced, I suspect that it could take up to three years. So we'll yet see. And I just said, you know, you you just can't afford to spend $12,000 a month on on my pockets personally weren't deep enough to you know, maintain three years potentially of $12,000 output without input. And so I actually intentionally closed that business and and launched future bill. So future bill are massively transformative purpose is to imagine and build, right? It's so imagine and build places of the future. So villages of the future places worth living for. And what that means is basically, my sort of magic and fun for me is in the public relations, communications and business brokering. That's where I love it. I'm not necessarily the the producer of 3d printed homes, and nor am I ve commercial builder that would love to be able to implement this technology. I'm the broker in between. So I love making sure that we get all the messaging, right, and we connect people to the right people at the right time. And so that is the business of future bill. We are a platform we have multiple revenue streams planned, but we're launching With representing a handful of businesses and suppliers, and product, you know, producers that we that we should we as a as a, as a world should be deploying smarter, faster, better than ever imagined. So I, we're coming up with campaigns and solutions like a road show, which is taking 3d printed companies into communities across western Canada. So they can have a lived experience of touching and feeling and watching how they're built. so that people can preorder that would be an example of some of the PR engagement strategies that we're deploying. And then you know, of course, will will grow over time.

Michelle Abraham:

That's an exciting place to be at in business where you get to, you know, very to two very complementary services or programs to then create something even more amazing, and bringing out to the public that it's going to enhance their experience with something. So I love what you're up to. I think that's really fascinating. So future billing, future villy, future proofing and future feeling, countries where you're going to next. That's awesome. I love this. So, Angela, it's been so awesome to have you on our podcast. And we learned so much about, you know how you are doing podcasting differently, how you're actually you're so innovative and what you're creating with the future Ville and all the exciting things that you have coming up there, what is something that you're most looking forward to as we're going further into 2021 right now.

Angela Faye:

So I have joined a community of consultants and entrepreneurs and movers and shakers called the open xo community. And the reason why I'm so excited about this group is because it is a complete ecosystem of people who are doing, you know, who are exponential focused on exponential organizations. So I am an ambassador for that group, I am I have the consultancy training in that group to actually help pivot both a mindset and a business model shift. And of course, my focus is in the built environment. So independent commercial property owners or communities that are that are have property owners collectively proximate. So that community is very exciting for me, I would encourage anybody to follow and look for in search for how to become an exponential organization or an exponential individual.

Michelle Abraham:

That's amazing. So where would you suggest people to look to find out more information about that.

Angela Faye:

So for that, you can connect with me first at future bill on LinkedIn. And and I will send you a natural referral code to join the community. And you know, the more touch points you have with people in the community, the more we can broker the right connections for you.

Michelle Abraham:

Yeah, that's great. Is it would be kind of like finding Joint Venture Partners for people in there, or is it a different kind of, Oh,

Angela Faye:

absolutely. It's quite a community, they have their own currency. So we actually have our own digital currency within that. So we actually trade services with with each other with cryptocurrency and fiat currencies. But there's also a marketplace and every day there, they're looking for advisors, and coaches and consultants. Sometimes there's investment opportunities. So you know, it's quite a dynamic group.

Michelle Abraham:

Amazing. That's really cool part of future proofing, what we're doing, and I just love, I love the way that you this business is just so fast forwarding into a new way of doing business, a new way of being a new way of agile, you for sure at the forefront of this. And it's been really cool to have this conversation with you leading the way in our future of way we do business with each other as entrepreneurs. And it was a very exciting time. So any last words? before we let you go?

Angela Faye:

I just want to say thank you to you, Michelle, it's been a pleasure to be on here. I look forward to possibly engaging with amplify you in greater, more capacity going forward.

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