Monica Ramirez is a transformational belief coach and is also known as a Warrior of Love. She’s teaching people how to master the art of love, helping them go from confusion to confidence, have the freedom and be empowered loving themselves. Let’s get to know more about the soulful woman behind the mic of Soul Talk podcast – Monica Ramirez.
Don’t miss:
- The surprises since Monica started her show.
- Word of mouth is still the number one way podcasts are discovered.
- This is your business, you’re your own boss. Don’t be afraid.
- Monica’s experience speaking in another language and the confidence that comes from it.
- The 3 level of the Path to the Heart program.
About Monica Ramirez
Monica Ramirez/ Warrior of Love is a Transformational Belief Coach, I help support you to awaken to happiness and personal power from the struggle and confusion to feeling free, happy, and powerful.
I am a Certified Neuro-Linguistic Programmer (N.L.P.) I am a Certified Beyond Quantum Healer (B.Q. H.) Certified Life Coach, Certified Reiki Master, Multidimensional Energy Healer, Galactic Akashic Record, Psychic Channeler from the Family of the Light and my Higher Self Maia, Tarot Reader, Channel Readings, and artists.
The founder of “Path to the Heart”, my signature Transformational System. I work with people coaching them one on one and in groups.
About About the Host:
Michelle Abraham – Podcast Producer, Host and International Speaker.
Michelle was speaking on stages about podcasting before most people knew what they were, she started a Vancouver based Podcasting Group in 2012 and has learned the ins and outs of the industry. Michelle helped create and launched over 30 Podcasts in 2018 and has gone on to launch over 200 shows in the last few years, She wants to launch YOURS in 2022!
14 years as an Entrepreneur and 8 years as a Mom has led her to a lifestyle shift, spending more time with family while running location independent online digital marketing business for the last 9 years. Michelle and her family have been living completely off the grid lakeside boat access for the last 4 years!
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This is amplify you the podcast about you discovering your message and broadcasting to the world. If you're a coach, author or speaker, you'll want to tune in. If you're looking for the best return on your time investment to get your message out to the world in a bigger way, we're giving you full access behind the scenes look of how we're running our podcasts, how our clients have found success, and what you can do to launch your podcasts today. The world needs your message. I'm Michelle Abraham, the host. Join my family as we unleash your unique genius and find the connections you need to launch your venture today. Join us and let's get amplified.
Michelle Abraham:Hello, hello amplify your family Michelle Abraham, your host here today. I am so excited because I have a wonderful guest for our behind the mic interview for you today. I have Monica Ramirez from Seoul talk podcast. And it was so excited to dive into here, the background and the story of the journey of how she launched her podcast. Because when we joined Monica on her podcasting journey, she already had an amazing YouTube channel with the tons of episodes on it. So we were so lucky, we were being able to help her relaunch her show into the podcasting space. But it was already an existing show. So I'm excited to hear the background story of how it all started. And what her show is all about. So Hey, Monica, how are you doing?
Monica Ramirez:Are you doing everybody? How's everybody?
Michelle Abraham:We're good, good. Good. So let's dive right in soul talk. So this is a pretty powerful show. It's got some really interesting content, you've been doing it for quite a while. So take us back to what made you get started. What inspired you to start your show?
Monica Ramirez:it became very lonely in the:Michelle Abraham:That's awesome. Did you have intentions of it becoming a podcast Monday, where it was just meant for YouTube? Initially,
Monica Ramirez:I think we cleaned it up knew what I was doing. I was just sharing the conversations with them. Even the fresh shows, when I edit that I had to learn how to wait, yeah, you know, anything that time a video or anything, I was better everything. At the beginning, when I was was started doing that I did not knew where to go or, or how to do that. So I did not plan it to. To go farther away, we would have podcasts and just slowly start transforming into storytelling. We were saying start asking, started getting questions. And I believe about a year ago, something like that, I met you and they met events. And they go this is can be a podcast. And for them at that time I was already editing and it was very cool. So and I was already interviewing artists. During that time, I have two separate separate podcasts. From that time, it was the heart of the artists for the artists. And so talk for the coaches healers and intrapreneurs. And but then I realized that it was two days and it was taking too much of my time from my coaching and my classes that I've been teaching and so forth. So I just put it all in one. And it was easier for me
Michelle Abraham:to start with you hope your listeners get I listening to your show.
Monica Ramirez:I always try to to want to give him the information that I think they're needing or because clients there have been asking me what is what is channeling or what it is healing or how do you heal with this modality or sometimes even the same question when the people I'm interviewing, how do you do that modality? How is that working for you? How's this? This works with this? Like I can very interesting conversations and sometimes I do try to When they see something I always gonna may may either questions we may we may this because wasn't as I get the list. Hey, can you ask them this when you ask them that? And and that's what I'm trying to always ask those questions in between my questions to them. At the beginning it was more structure. He was more I've made the questions and and follow this script because I didn't know where to the mistakes ending not knew what I was doing. And he was too rigid, because he came more questions that doesn't have to do with that, or they already answered. So it was ridiculous to ask and then again.
Michelle Abraham:Yeah, when you're like so focused on those questions you're prepared, you cannot like almost don't hear the answers. I know that was my experience. Not sure if he had the same experience, but isn't kind of nice to have a more casual conversation. And so when you're interviewing other people, are they your colleagues? Are they your clients, with the other healers and coaches, their people? Where are you meeting your guests?
Monica Ramirez:I am, I have I have interviewed some of my clients. And they have interviewed many coaches, too many healers, too. And they also blowed my channel message once in a while today, because they're strongly telling me, okay, you need to talk about self worth, or how to love yourself, or how to transform this or you're worthy or things like that. And those are the ones that I have been also uploading my podcasts.
Michelle Abraham:That's a great. And so I love that you're getting feedback from your listeners on YouTube. So that they can they can ask questions to you. That's a really great way to interact with your audience. And what has there been any other surprises since starting your show that things have come about from your show that you didn't expect at the beginning?
Monica Ramirez:Oh, yes, the reviews, there was 101 app, it was because I did not knew about the reviews, you put it in YouTube, and you could like subscribers, and that's what I thought. That's it. I was not planning to even to do money from it. Yes, with time, I came to understand that. Wow. Okay, this is constantly filmora cosmic monthly. So costly, monthly, monthly, camera costs me monthly, et cetera, et cetera. There are many costs involved in that. And it's like, Okay, I am not making money from it. So I need to figure it out a way that I actually can at least a the all the, the apps from it. And I need reviews, how the people are gonna know if they want to even participate with my guests, if they don't see reviews. So that was a big one for me. And those were learning lessons that I have been changing and modifying.
Michelle Abraham:reading reviews. So So amplify you audience, I'm challenging you to go and give Monica small talk podcasts I review right now give her some love. If you've gone over a year and see that you heard her on the amplify you podcast and you started listening to your show give her a great review. That would be awesome. So we'd love sharing the message of other shows on our show, so people can discover new shows because it's surprisingly enough, with all the technology we have word of mouth is still the number one way podcasts are discovered. Isn't that crazy? Yes, it is. Yeah, with all you think with all the ads and the technology and everything that there'll be a better way to get discovered than just word of mouth. But it really is still word of mouth. So cool. So I would love so we'd love to hear what you have any suggestions for podcasters a lot of our audience maybe or haven't started their podcasts yet. They've been thinking about it, they want to do one, they may haven't started yet. Any words of advice from someone that's now gone through that process and launch their show. Any words of advice or things that you would do differently?
Monica Ramirez:Well, one of the things that when you're trying to even interview people, and they have never been in camera, or they never been in a podcast, and they're so afraid like whether they should wear what should do it's like, don't even worry, it's taking like this is a conversation with another friend. You I bet everybody at this point, they had a zoom conversation with someone. So just relax. Have that conversation with someone. And if you're so afraid to do something, just jump in and just you might be modifying with a future you might get better in the future. Believe me my first podcasts. I was so nervous I was following this grip like I told you later only because become more relaxed and I don't even cover script anymore. I do have the bio it will be the bio Tinoco interviewing and what questions are popping in my head? So like that, I can ask them but it would take the pressure out then it has to be perfect. We're not professionals or else we might We hire by a TV. And we were already there. But because we're not there in podcast, it is way more relaxed, that you are working for our radio station or a TV station. And this is your business, you're your own boss. So you don't mistakes, you learn from them, and try to modify them. But don't be so afraid that you will be the only type A when you're trying to do a podcast.
Michelle Abraham:Yeah, that's a great, that's a great suggestion. Because we tried to do it so perfectly. We want it to come out so good and polished. And, and I think when we want it to be so polished, and professional, that we can't be ourselves, right? Or we can't joke around or make mistakes or you know, kick the desk or something knocks over and like, oh gosh, we have to edit all that out. So I love your love. Your advice is to just be CPU and just be yourself and and to get going on it for sure. I know, I certainly waited way too long to launch my show. And I think have you felt like there's a lot more confidence that comes from from being in podcasting. The more you do it, the more you speak your message to cleric. It's
Monica Ramirez:just like a beginning. Like I mentioned, he was very nervous. Oh my God, today I want to meet with Korean and everybody is stressed out in the house. Not only me, my kids, everybody was stressing out. Don't make noise. Oh, the dog is gonna bark off. The car is gonna do something. But now it is the stakes are gonna cap. So when my knock on the door, the dog my bark, things may happen in my sight or in the other side of the neck. Have those interviews that the dog continue barks.
Michelle Abraham:Yeah, and as you're saying that I can see my daughter running across the deck, and I'm like, oh, no, she's going to come to the No, I'm recording. That's okay. That's what that's what the pause button is for.
Monica Ramirez:Those things are going to happen.
Michelle Abraham:Yeah. Yeah, exactly. And look how relaxed you are now. So it's fun, right? It's like a fun interview. You know, one of the things I'd love for you to address is that I've had all sorts of people who want to get into podcasting, but they're afraid because they don't have English as a first language. And they're afraid that they can't do it, can you kind of talk to them, because I know Spanish is your first language.
Monica Ramirez:And that's that was a big one for me in many levels, in many ways in writing, and speaking and so forth. My first language is in Spanish, I was racing Mexico, and they've been living in United States for 23 years. And at home with my parents, we always spoken Spanish. In fact, when my siblings, it's only spoken Spanish, but, but it was a learning process even to open a business in United States and start speaking in English, I did turn some mistakes, of course, and they still do. And in my grammar is not perfectly in writing or in speaking. But the only way you're gonna learn a language is if you practice it. And in losing the fear that you're gonna do mistakes. And people appreciate that. And because you're trying to speak their language. And that goes from American, English to French speaking in Spanish or French or Italian, it doesn't matter which language you're talking about just practicing and the mistakes you learn from them.
Michelle Abraham:Right, exactly. I mean, it's interesting. Also, I've heard from other people, it's a breath of fresh air to hear another accent on podcasts, rather than just a Canadian or American accent. So it's nice to hear other kinds of accents as well. And being a gives people you know, it's different in your ears. So it's nice to have a variety of different voices coming through on podcasts.
Monica Ramirez:And we something that I was very terrifying for me is maybe I forgot the word that seemed to correct work while I was going around. So I don't except for about the word exactly that word. So I just go around. And everybody can do that in any language to just go around and do the mistake people who have patience.
Michelle Abraham:Yeah. And it blows my mind because a lot of people that speak English for a second language speak English better than I do. And it's my first language. Nobody's Perfect, right? We all say we'll say funny things or make mistakes. So I think that's great. And I think you're, you know, you're so brave to be able to do that in another language. That's not your your native language. And I think that the confidence that comes from it, too, I'm sure practicing it. I'm sure you found that you've got more and more confident. And if I can share with our audience that you and I were just recently together in person, which was super fun. We got to go to Boston to Harvard, to do the blue talks, which is business life universal, kind of like TED Talks at the it's called Blue talks and it was so much fun. And it's really I admire you, Monica for for For getting out there and speaking publicly and doing podcasts and things like that, and it's it was really fun to it was fun to get to meet you in person. So that was cool. Your high school have to look up for our for our talks that it will be coming out blue talks pug YouTube channel and on their podcasts?
Monica Ramirez:Yes, yeah, it
Michelle Abraham:was awesome. Now you were planning on doing another one soon, aren't you?
Monica Ramirez:In Miami in November?
Michelle Abraham:Ooh. Yes, that's great. And I heard that another one of our podcasters Ginny is going to be there too. So that's awesome. So much fun. It's great to travel around to speak and to be able to share our message in so many different places in the world. So, so awesome. And so Monica, thank you so much for joining us today on the FIU behind the mic episode. We've gotten talking a little bit more before I let you go though, please share with us. We want to connect your podcasts your business? And how do you help your How do you help your clients in your business?
Monica Ramirez:Yes, I created a while back a program that transformation, a prominent school path to the heart and goes in three levels. The first level it is for getting out of your victimhood, letting go of shame, blame, guilt fears. And so for this work with fears with my clients, so I have to apply for myself.
Michelle Abraham:In the second word, good role model for that.
Monica Ramirez:In the second level, it is more about past lives, meaning family lineage, removing entities etc. And the third one is, is one of my favorites is the channeling each different kinds of channeling psychic, and developing psychic powers to like the letter T etc. and things like that. And they give a certificate for for my program when they take the three, three levels. And I'm writing the books actually. And just send one to Kelly, to my work number one yesterday for level one. And I've worked with groups and I've worked with in one on one. But podcasting is part of it. As public speaking is part of it, you will want to actually send the message farther away that only for a few people that they can they say no, we'll also define those. There's more ways to go find find those through broadcasting to our books to our public speaking to everything that we are.
Michelle Abraham:Absolutely. And you're an amazing artist as well. Can you share a little bit about that, too?
Monica Ramirez:Yes. I moved one of my paintings. Yes, I've been painting for close to 45 years now. I might work all around the world. I have been things in Europe, I have paintings in Mexico and in united states all over the United States. I have an excellent candidate. But But I do and I mean teaching also art classes for 23 years to get adults and people with disabilities or several policies that are.
Michelle Abraham:Wow, that's fantastic. Very cool. And so can you lead us to the website where we can find out all this more information about you?
Monica Ramirez:Yes, it is Monica Ramirez warrior of
Michelle Abraham:Great. So that's pretty easy to spell and send out but we'll we'll put it in the show notes for you as well. And it's a Monica with a C. So make sure you guys get that at that rate as well. Awesome. So as Monica Ramirez of warrior of Yes, perfect. I love it. I love the name of that too. And make sure you head on over to soul talk and make sure you give Monica a lovely review of her podcast so that she can spread the word and spread her message far and wide. Monica, thank you so much for joining us and amplify you today's and so it's fun getting to chat with you.
Monica Ramirez:Thank you so much for inviting me.
Michelle Abraham:You're welcome. All right, amplify, you finally go out there and have a fabulous week. We'll see you here same time, same place next week.