Behind The Mic: Legendary Dads with Kevin Williams

Joining us today is the Dad behind the mic of Legendary Dads podcast – Kevin Williams. He is also a speaker, trainer and coach. Kevin hopes to initiate a community and engagement with other dads helping them to become a ‘high performance’ dad. He also acknowledged the value of mothers’ perspective on the relationship. Now let’s listen to Kevin’s living legacy – Inspiring other Legendary Dads.

Don’t miss:

  • Podcasting is not rocket science.
  • Provide something of practical value to your listeners
  • The Legendary Dads – What does it mean?
  • It might not be a completely unique message, but you have a unique way of sharing it.
  • Why you need to get some help in starting or launching a podcast

About Kevin Williams

Married for 22 years, and Dad to 4 young kids, Kevin is focused on helping Dads be the best they can be for their family. He believes that everything rises and falls on leadership – and it starts on the inside.

Behind this passion for working with Dads, is a heart that cries for the children and wives who are missing out, struggling, or worse, because the men in their lives are not sure that they have what it takes.

He knows from hard-won experience that all Dads have what it takes to provide fully and deeply what their family needs from them. “When things are looking rough,” he says, “we have to hold on to the truth that all of us are capable of far more than we realize. We can see this truth when we stand firm, and don’t let the storms of life chase us away from those are counting on us.”

Kevin encourages those who engage with him to take courage, and embrace the challenge of digging deep within to see their true heart; because everything we do – or don’t do – in life stems from who we are.


About About the Host:

Michelle Abraham – Podcast Producer, Host and International Speaker.

Michelle was speaking on stages about podcasting before most people knew what they were, she started a Vancouver based Podcasting Group in 2012 and has learned the ins and outs of the industry. Michelle helped create and launched over 30 Podcasts in 2018 and has gone on to launch over 200 shows in the last few years, She wants to launch YOURS in 2022!

14 years as an Entrepreneur and 8 years as a Mom has led her to a lifestyle shift, spending more time with family while running location independent online digital marketing business for the last 9 years. Michelle and her family have been living completely off the grid lakeside boat access for the last 4 years!

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Amplifyou Intro/Outro:

This is amplify you the podcast about you discovering your message and broadcasting it to the world. If you're a coach, author or speaker, you'll want to tune in. If you're looking for the best return on your time investment, to get your message out to the world in a bigger way, we're giving you full access behind the scenes look of how we're running our podcasts, how our clients have found success, and what you can do to launch your podcast today. The world needs your message. I'm Michelle Abraham, the host, join my family as we unleash your unique genius and find the connections you need to launch your venture today. Join us and let's get amplified.

Michelle Abraham:

Hello, hello, everybody. Michelle Abraham, your host here today. Today I am doing this behind the mic interview with Kevin Williams. Kevin, how are you doing today?

Kevin Williams:

Great. Happy to be here.

Michelle Abraham:

Awesome. Well, we're so glad to have you here. Kevin is one of our newest podcasters. He's got just launched the podcast, legendary dad, which is super awesome. So we're excited to have had the opportunity to work with Kevin through seeing OSHA's program and launching your podcast in which we help teach. And we're super excited to have Kevin now as a podcaster. So Kevin, let me just start by by asking you tell us a little bit about your background, what made you want to start a podcast tell us a little bit more about that? Sure.

Kevin Williams:

The I mean, the basic idea is, I realized a number of years back I guess how much I love talking. And not just talking for the sake of hearing my voice, but I love being in front of a group and sharing anything of value that I know about because and that began as a youth pastor where I was giving sermons or talking to other youth events and things like that. And I, I had some encouragement from people and, and some of them were unexpected sources of encouragement that, hey, you're actually pretty good at this, even without any training. So there's that whole thing about like, enjoying speaking and enjoying teaching, and sharing things. And, and then there's that side where you don't want to just give information about anything. I mean, I've taught insurance courses and investing courses, which you know, like teaching, but the information is not exciting. So, so I started focusing more recently on one of the one of the things about me, the things that I love that I care about, that I can talk about and share with people, and hopefully engage in conversation with people on these things. And so, I, over time, I realized podcasting seemed like a pretty cool idea. And it took me a while to really get down to it. But finally I said, Okay, you know, I'm going to do this.

Michelle Abraham:

It's like a birthing process takes a while. Everything's got to be aligned, right? And once you said, Okay, let's do this, it was a really short amount of time that it took you to get this show up and running. And so I'm pretty impressed with how quickly you're able to get published, get launched and get it out there. And so tell us a little bit about what it was like for you from going from like the idea you had to actually know you have a podcast.

Kevin Williams:

Yeah, well, well, well, there's a few things. I mean, part of it is the content. And the subject was one of the things that was holding me back. Really trying to decide where what do I want to talk about and how do I want to focus that so once I figured that out, earlier this year, it was also then a matter of coming across an opportunity to work. Well, ultimately with you guys through Steve Walsh's launch your podcast program. To to put it together because what I've learned is it's not. It's not rocket science, as they say. It can be figured out but wow. It's just it's so much better and easier. If you have people who know what they're doing kind of walk you through, especially just the beginning of it and getting it up and running and all the details. And so it was some of it was just kind of fortuitous timing in terms of the opportunity that was presented to work through Steve's program and then and me having finally decided what it is I want to talk about and to share.

Michelle Abraham:

Yeah, that's great. And now having a podcast and having a platform that you can share on what's that been like for you.

Kevin Williams:

It's you if everything else goes wrong. It's the one thing in my week that I'm looking forward to.

Michelle Abraham:

I love hearing that and you won't be surprised how often I hear that too. Oh,

Kevin Williams:

yeah, well, because even yesterday, I was having a crummy day kind of yesterday, and but I had an interview episode lined up, and I just, Oh, I get to talk to talk to this guy later today, and we're gonna have a great conversation that we should. So I just kind of kept I was able to hang on that and because, yeah, because I've just loved it. I've been looking forward to it for so long. But it's, it's really, that's a highlight of my week really.

Michelle Abraham:

And that's when you know that you're on to the right topic or onto the right thing is that you look forward to it. It's exciting. It's your favorite part of the week. I know my recording, these are my highlights, see, I get to meet all sorts of incredible people and talk to them. And yeah, that's really cool. So what are your plans? What's your hopes for legendary dads.

Kevin Williams:

One of the hopes is that it will be an opportunity to initiate something, some sense of community and engagement with other dads. And also with some mums. The value of the mothers perspective on on the relationship and what's happening. And what I suppose at its core that if nothing else happens, my plan is for it to always provide something of practical value. I hear a lot of people speaking so called motivational speakers and other lot of podcasts I listened to. There's a lot of great information being shared and ideas being shared. I find most often what for me is missing. Is that next step where it's okay. Yes, that's the idea. You want to maintain this relationship with your kids so that they talk to you and share things. Yeah. But how did you actually do that? What What was the conversation? Like? What were the things that you had to learn or to work through? Or that you had to help them get through? What was the practical, real conversations that were happening, that I can learn from, and try to apply? Going beyond that general concept to very practical helps. And so I want to make sure that every episode has hopefully three, four or five, but you know, at least a couple of very practical and useful conversations that share those those details.

Michelle Abraham:

Yeah, so that you can actually like implement, implement those things that you're learning about, actually actually show the takeaways, right? Yeah, I think, I think that makes for a really great podcast episode. Because, you know, just learning for the sake of learning or listening for the sake of listening, you're actually then going to take some of what you learned. And then you can go and apply it to your life right away. Like, wow, think of the transformation that's going to come from the listeners when they actually go and do the work after after the episodes.

Kevin Williams:

Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. Very cool.

Michelle Abraham:

So and in general, tell us a little bit about legendary dads, what does that mean to you? And what does that mean to the the dads that want to be part of

Kevin Williams:

it? That's an important question. I appreciate that. Yeah, because, I mean, I realized that can be misconstrued. So I don't consider myself a legend. And I'm not looking for legends to be on the show. What What To me it's about is the journey to becoming known as legend. But again, not in the worlds per se, but in your family. So the the core, I suppose to the most succinct way to put it is, I want to walk with a bunch of men who are learning how to leave such a legacy for their kids and for their family that they, it's something that can't be taken away. So it's not just a monetary legacy. It's a life legacy where they learn how to live life in such a way that they live their life to the fullest and they learn how to share that with the rest of the world. So that your grandchildren great grandchildren, will will hear about how you started this process and you you helped bring your family to this place. And essentially you become the legend that they talk about as in terms of family and your impact on not only your family tree, but on the communities that your family lives in. That's kind of where I'm going with that.

Michelle Abraham:

I love it. Now where did that come from? Where it What made you all of a sudden wake up one day and want to aspire to to start a movement around legendary dads. Oh, sure. It wasn't nice. Even thinking about for a while.

Kevin Williams:

I was in my bed one night and I had this dream. And boy spoke to me and said legend

Michelle Abraham:


Kevin Williams:

Oh, yeah, as with a lot of things that there was there's a few factors that played into it. One of the one of the things is just my own life. screen. So I've always, not anymore, but I guess for for such a large part of my life, I felt as a as a boy and as a man, I always felt less than others men. And I never felt like I measured up. And, and it was very vague as to why. But and as a parent, I had all these questions, and I felt kind of alone and not sure. And so, as I began to deal with those issues and search through and, and, and answer those questions, I began to explore and realize that I'm not the only one. And especially with the the coming of social media, where now you can hear everybody's thoughts and feelings, more than you'd ever want to. I began to recognize, yeah, there's a lot of guys that are struggling with this. And so that was part of saying, Okay, let's do something about that, like, who's going to do something about that? And will it be me? And what will my part in that be? And, and as far as the family goes? Yeah, I mean, we, when we have kids, I think most of us would hope all of us want to leave them with something that not only helps them have better life today, but will allow them to continue to have good life. When we're gone, and whatever that good life is for you. I mean, that's, that's part of the conversation. But that's, that's, I think, some of the core experiences that kind of led me to this. Yeah. And you've

Michelle Abraham:

been married for 22 years, and you have four kids yourself. So you're coming from the trenches of the parenting and how old are your kids?

Kevin Williams:a sixth hope she just turned:Michelle Abraham:

Awesome. Oh, he's living with three teenage girls lucky him. So well, that's great. And, you know, I love it when parents are like in the trenches, and then can have a podcast that shares about their experiences, because, you know, it's like, you know, you know where it's coming from. But that right there with you kind of feeling right.

Kevin Williams:

Yeah, yeah. And, you know, part of that, I'll say is that I've always felt like, because, again, we're talking about this, the journey to getting here. Yeah, part of it was that I, for some reason, I always assumed that my experience was different. And that surely other men are and other dads and parents are not feelings, facing the exact same things. And somehow my experience must be unique. And I found that, yeah, some things are, but there's so much that is common, even to my own experience and journey that others are experiencing. So that also kind of opens me up to saying, Okay, this is worth an open conversation and open sharing. For that reason.

Michelle Abraham:

So say for people must feel so alone. Now, you've had some great interviews. What's been your favorite show so far? I know. You're just new into this new into the podcasting. couple episodes in but what's been your favorite one so far? Oh, that's tough. You say all of them. I love all.

Kevin Williams:

Oh, they're not all equal. I'll admit that. I suppose there's two I really enjoyed talking with Brian Ward episode. And I had been listening partly I think, because I've been listening to his podcast for over a year. I kind of felt like I knew him even though he had no idea who I was.

Michelle Abraham:

That's a weird thing. So listen, I can call up and give them a hug, and they wouldn't have no clue who I am.

Kevin Williams:

So one of the interesting things about podcasts, yeah.

Michelle Abraham:

Yeah. And you have another favorite one.

Kevin Williams:

Well, I suppose it might be your four, because I like because I do like sharing my own thoughts and perspectives story. And that's what number four is, it's a deeper dive into some of that. And the lessons learned from that.

Michelle Abraham:

Awesome. Well, that's so great. So it sounds like your podcasting journey is off to a great start. And so we can have you on this show like early on and then we'll bring you back later on a year from now and all the fun things that have happened with your show, since then will be great to great to catch up with you then, too. So any advice now that you've gone through that launching process where any of our audience members have I'd be thinking about starting a podcast, still, you're still on the fence about it, you haven't pressed the record button yet. Any words of wisdom for them,

Kevin Williams:

I would say two things. One is, don't be so concerned about who's gonna listen or who, you know, if anybody's gonna like it. My goodness, we have a worldwide audience now. So you will find that people are, they will find you who who want to hear your message, and who want to hear it delivered in your way, it might not be a completely unique message, but you have a unique way of sharing it. So that's, that's one thing, just go for it, get get moving on it. The other thought is, if there's any way that you can get some help with the start, yeah, and that's what I appreciate about working with you guys is that I don't have to commit to a whole long term process, but I am, but the start of it, and understanding all the nuances, the beginning, getting that start off, in the best way possible, really just gives a great deal of peace. And, and, and really helps kind of keep get that momentum going. So I would encourage anyone in any way possible to get some help.

Michelle Abraham:

Yeah. And hopefully that allows you allows people to get through that finish line of launching and show with the support. So I appreciate you saying that, because it really does, I think make a difference when you try to do it on your own. I tried to do it on my own for four years, as our audience knows. And it just says this wasn't very, very easy to do. So we love that you come through working with us and receive offers lunch podcast program, it's been so much fun to work with you and see this idea come to fruition. And now it's his living legacy that's out there, inspiring other legendary debt. So congratulations, see you excited that you're here and have lunch. And we wish you the best of luck. And we can't wait to bring you back on again and see what all's changed in the next year or so?

Kevin Williams:

Well, thanks. I really appreciate you having me on. And it's been a pleasure working with you and to be a part of this and hopefully encourage some other people to get going. That's awesome. Thank you.

Michelle Abraham:

Here. Welcome. Thanks so much, Kevin, for being here today. All right, amplify your family go out there. Have a wonderful day. And if you are inspired to start your show, be sure you reach out to us amplify, you Hit the contact button there and we're happy to help you along the way. All right. Thanks. Take care everyone. See you next week.

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